Bye Scott! Kim, Khloe And Kourtney Pose For ‘IDFWU’ Picture After Scott got caught creeping on Kourtney did she and her sisters send some shade his way??? That’s the question that’s being asked after the trio posed for a photo with an interesting caption. On Tuesday the ladies were spotted shooting for an upcoming episode of “Keeping Up With The Kardashians”… and they later took selfies. In Khloe’s selfie in particular however the ladies stuc their tongues out and captioned it “IDFWU” a.k.a. “I don’t f*** with you.” WELP! Do you think that was a message for Scott or nah??? Hit the flip for more of their recent photos.
Nikki Baby Smashes Mally Mal’s Dishes On-again, off-again Love & Hip Hop LA couple Nikki Baby and Mally Mal are off yet again, and thier split is getting pretty messy. Nikki Baby pulled a Chris Brown on her Ex Mally Mal last night, showing up to his place unannounced and causing a scene of epic proportions. Via TMZ : ‘Love And Hip Hop’ stars Nikki Mudarris and Mally Mall’s breakup just went NUCLEAR — he says she went berserk, smashing $30k worth of fine china … until the neighbors called the cops, and we got the video. We’re told Nikki showed up at Mally’s home in Bev Hills Monday night and refused to leave — and took out her rage on the fancy plates … which she claims she bought. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … cops showed up just before 11 PM for a report that Nikki was vandalizing the property. We’re told she cooled down at the sight of badges, but Mally caught her making a quick exit in this video. Mall didn’t want to press charges on his ex … so cops just escorted her off the property. Sources close to Nikki say she freaked out because Mally broke her custom made iPhone 6 in a jealous rage days earlier. Since she paid for the china … this seems like the worst revenge ever. Mally seemed to recover just fine — we got him later that night leaving Ace of Diamonds strip club, where he’d just dropped $20k! She’s breaking things now…but it’s we’re starting the countdown clock for when she takes him back, yet again. SMH. TMZ
It’s going to be a long road ahead for Aimee Copeland. Georgia Woman With Flesh-Eating Infection May Leave ICU Soon A Georgia woman battling a flesh-eating disease is slowly improving and her father said Tuesday she should be out of intensive care soon. Doctors Hospital of Augusta said Aimee Copeland’s condition has changed from critical to serious. Serious condition indicates a patient is still acutely ill and has unstable vital signs. The 24-year-old graduate student developed necrotizing fasciitis after cutting her leg in a fall May 1 from a homemade zip line. Her left leg, other foot and both hands have been amputated. Her father, Andy Copeland, said doctors believe his daughter should be out of intensive care and ready to move into the hospital’s rehabilitation clinic in two or three weeks. “She’s going to have to learn to use prosthetic limbs,” he said. “But the critical-care phase, I believe, has come to an end.” He said one doctor who had expected her to spend months in intensive care is “blown away by her rate of progress.” Andy Copeland said his daughter has been talking with her doctors about using meditation and other holistic techniques to manage her pain instead of drugs. He said it’s a topic she had been researching for her master’s thesis. “She went through one of the dressing changes without any kind of pain medication at all the other day,” he said. “It’s incredible. She chose to meditate through it.” Where there’s a will there’s a way. Source
Time to end the scrimmage and get in the game! Khloe Kardashian Begins Fertility Treatment According to TMZ reports : Khloe Kardashian wants a baby bad, and we’ve learned she’s undergoing fertility treatment. Sources connected with Khloe and Lamar Odom tell TMZ … they have tried in vain for months to get pregnant. So Khloe went to ART Reproductive Center in Bev Hills Monday … to start the process. With Kim Kardashian by her side for moral support, Khloe gave up some blood so the docs could evaluate her hormone levels. She’s waiting for the results, and will then get a stylized treatment program. Our sources say fertility treatment has been a long time coming — they were going to start the process while living in Dallas, but distractions with Lamar’s BB career put everything on ice. Image via WENN Good luck you two!