Move over, Farrah Abraham and Jenelle Evans . Prepare to meet a teen mom who has even more to deal with than you do. Fortunately, she won’t have to do so alone. In fact, Amber Hills may never be alone ever again. Hills and Logan Brown-Fletcher – both 19 years old and residents of Newberg, Oregon – welcomed three daughters into the world on August 1. Their names are Raelyn, Avery and Elaina. But it gets even crazier: The three daughters are IDENTICAL triplets. The infants – who respectively weighed in at 2 pounds, 12 ounces; 3 pounds, 11 ounces; and 2 pounds, 15 ounces – were delivered by caesarean section 33 weeks into Amber’s pregnancy at Providence St. Vincent Medical Center. This is the average gestational age for triplets. “My dad has multiples in his family, so I figured it would happen to me someday,” Amber told Us Weekly of her reaction to learning she was having three kids. However, her fiancé was in for the shock of his life. “I was crying and swearing!” Brown-Fletcher admits. Yeah. We would be, too! Logan has since calmed down and gained some perspective, however. “I was a little scared because I was still in high school and working a small job with not many hours,” he says. “But as we started to approach their due date, I was like, ‘This is going to be life changing, but I am ready.’” View Slideshow: 29 Tweets That Remind Us of What Motherhood is All About Sadly, both Amber and Logan did not receive full support from those around them. “A lot of our friends weren’t very supportive at first,” Brown-Fletcher says. “They were all like, “You are too young, you are not ready.'” And then, of course, there was the Internet. With Amber chronicling her pregnant journey on Instagram, the trolls came out in full force. It’s a good thing these daughters have a father with his head screwed on right. “They don’t know who we are,” Logan says of the critics. They have never met us, so they have no idea whether we are too young. We are both pretty mature for our age. And we know what we are doing.” Neonatologist Craig Novak says the kids are expected to leave Providence St. Vincent Medical Center within the next two to four weeks. So far, so very good when it comes to their health. “I’m just excited to take them home and be a family together in one house,” says Brown-Fletcher.
Read more from the original source:
19-Year-Old Parents Welcome Identical Triplets Into the World