The CEO of the Napa Valley Train is admitting that his employees messed up big time and is now offering the women of the Sistahs on the Reading Edge Book Club an exclusive train car party.
Convenience-store owners in Maine are reportedly concerned that the state lottery wants to re-name and re-brand its scratch-off lottery tickets as “Kwikies.” “That’s going to be real uncomfortable for my girls behind the register to have guys come in and say, ‘Hey, give me a Kwikie,’” one store owner said. “It’s highly inappropriate,” Kaylee Constable, one of his employees, added. “[Customers] come in and joke around with me and say, ‘Can I get a Kwikie?” “I’m only 19, and I have 40- and 50-year-old men saying sexual remarks to me.” The Bangor Daily News provided some helpful context: “In slang terms, a quickie is a short sexual encounter.” But state lottery officials say the origin of the new name has nothing to do with sex, but rather, “the benefit of buying this ticket is that it’s quick, easy and fun.” “That’s what an instant ticket is.”
Andrew Shirvell, who’s rants on his “Chris Armstrong Watch” blog slam Armstrong for his “radical homos-exual agenda,” has also been showing up at events on campus criticizing the MSA president. Shirvell spoke during the community concerns portion of last week’s MSA meeting, calling for Armstrong’s resignation and he repeatedly talked over Armstrong and accused him of being a racist at a protest urging tolerance in May. Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox scolded one of his employees, Andrew Shir
Here’s my favorite little person Hayden Panettiere outside the Jimmy Kimmel show signing a few autographs for some really creepy middle aged men with pictures of her dressed as a cheerleader. She looks pretty damn hot in those Gap Kids short shorts and pocahontas boots of hers
Now that Dave Letterman has admitted to being blackmailed for 2 million dollars and come clean about having a few affairs with some of his employees, he can get back to work hitting on his big assed guests.