Tag Archives: hitler

Hitler Food Taster Talks Führer’s Vegetarian Diet

Adolf Hitler was maniacal about more than just world domination during his evil reign over Germany in the 1930s and 40s. In a new interview with The Telegraph , Margot Woelk explains that she was seized by the SS many decades ago and forced to become the dictator’s food taster for two-and-a-half years, checking meals everyday to be sure they were not laced with poison. “Only after all of us had tried it was it driven to the headquarters by the SS,” Woelk tells the newspaper. “It was all vegetarian, the most delicious fresh things, from asparagus to peppers and peas, served with rice and salads. It was all arranged on one plate, just as it was served to him. There was no meat and I do not remember any fish.” Wow. Who knew the Führer would have whipped up something akin to an Indian Cauliflower Pizza recipe if he were alive today? A German citizen, Woelk says her husband was sent off to war while she worked for Hitler, and, of course, she was “afraid” to take each bite. But “we were forced to eat it, we had no choice,” she says. Woelk is thought to be the only surviving member of Hitler’s food tasting team. She was smuggled out by a sympathetic solder, according to this report, and placed on “Goebbels’s train.” All others with whom she worked were shot by the Russians. Fortunately, while Hitler later joined the deceased and his Aryan fantasies were wiped away, delicious vegetarian recipes live on.

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Hitler Food Taster Talks Führer’s Vegetarian Diet

Oona Chaplin Naked in Game of Thrones of the Day

Oona Chaplin is in Game of Thrones…a show I refuse to watch because it is nerd shit and more importantly…it isn’t Dirty Dancing…a movie I tried to watch once a week to really try to help my autism understand what love is…not that I’m autistic, but I have found that saying I am has been really helpful in justifying my creepy, souless internet behavior…and girls all wanna try to fix me and breast feed me better…..it is like ailments make pussy wet… That said, as you probably figured out, if you’re not a total retard, she’s related to that Communist with the Hitler Moustache, despite being Jewish, cuz maybe the Hitler moustache was a fashionable thing, before hitler ruined it for generations of people who wanted to rock one…..and here she is trying to become her own legendary figure….by using her figure….I’m so clever it burns when I pee…at least I blame it on my cleverness everytime I’m trying to convince a bitch to get down unprotected….


See original here:
Oona Chaplin Naked in Game of Thrones of the Day

Harry Jackson Warns ‘Radical Gay Activists’ are bringing America back to ‘the times of Hitler’


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During an appearance on the American Family Association’s radio program Nothing But Truth , Harry Jackson said that “radical gay activists” have turned America into Nazi Germany. Jackson, who claims demonic forces are behind the gay rights movement, said that since gays and lesbians “cannot reproduce” they “try to recruit” young people and “ just like during the times of Hitler ,” gay rights advocates… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Right Wing Watch Discovery Date : 17/05/2012 16:29 Number of articles : 2

Harry Jackson Warns ‘Radical Gay Activists’ are bringing America back to ‘the times of Hitler’

Harry Jackson Warns ‘Radical Gay Activists’ are bringing America back to ‘the times of Hitler’


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During an appearance on the American Family Association’s radio program Nothing But Truth , Harry Jackson said that “radical gay activists” have turned America into Nazi Germany. Jackson, who claims demonic forces are behind the gay rights movement, said that since gays and lesbians “cannot reproduce” they “try to recruit” young people and “ just like during the times of Hitler ,” gay rights advocates… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Right Wing Watch Discovery Date : 17/05/2012 16:29 Number of articles : 2

Harry Jackson Warns ‘Radical Gay Activists’ are bringing America back to ‘the times of Hitler’

Democrat Politician Compares Republicans to Hitler



According to Politico: “Sherrod Brown notes that Hitler and Stalin were also anti-union. Brown continued: “I’m not comparing what’s happened to the workers in Madison or in Columbus to Hitler and Stalin but I am saying that history teaches us that unions are a very positive force in society that creates a middle class that protects our freedom.” Hat Tip Politico . Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : P/Oed Patriot Discovery Date : 03/03/2011 23:20 Number of articles : 2

Democrat Politician Compares Republicans to Hitler

Meet the Bodybuilding Neo-Nazi Porn Star Who Embalms Dead People for a Living [Interview]

The internet is full of strange people. Corinna Burt may be the strangest. The prominent white supremacist is an undertaker, bodybuilder, and former torture porn star. By phone, she discussed her unusual life and how racism “saved her” from porn. More

Jesse James: Nazi Pic Was Funny Then … Not Now

Filed under: Jesse James , Sandra Bullock Jesse James is finally addressing that infamous Nazi pic — the one where he’s giving the Hitler salute — and in shockingly poor taste explains, “It was a joke … that was funny then.” In the interview, which aired this morning on ” GMA ,” James goes… Read more

Continued here:
Jesse James: Nazi Pic Was Funny Then … Not Now

Jon and Kate Gosselin — Back to School

Filed under: Jon Gosselin , Kate Gosselin , Exclusives , Jon & Kate Jon and Kate Gosselin better stock up on their #2 pencils — TMZ has learned the reality parents have each been required to go to a court-mandated parenting class. The judge in their bitter custody dispute has ordered both Jon and Kate to complete a… Read more

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Jon and Kate Gosselin — Back to School

Hitler reacts to… copyright infringement

A mainstay on the viral video meme scene has been the 'Hitler Reacts to…' videos. A clip is used from the 2004 film 'Downfall' where Hitler learns he cannot win the war. He is very angry. These scenes are then dubbed with other things Hitler might be mad at. This is my favorite: Hitler reacts to failed Burning Man plans Today we've learned that production company Constantin Films is claiming copyright infringement. Martin Moszkowicz, an executive at Constantin told the BBC. “We as a corporation have a bit of an ambivalent view of it. On the one hand, we are proud the picture has such a huge fan base and that people are using it for parody. On the other hand, we are trying to protect the artists.” This is a sad day for the internets. If you have any 'Hitler Reacts to…'s that are still online, add them as comments below. added by: joshuaheller

Hitler's Pencil of Doom

Hitler has a powerful pencil. The Hitler Memes are slowly getting knocked off one by one. So enjoy this slightly different version and hardly seen version while you still can. Watch