Tag Archives: torture-porn

REVIEW: Amber Heard Brings Some Intrigue to Otherwise Uninspired The Ward

The Ward , John Carpenter’s first directorial effort in 10 years, is not an ideal hiatus-buster. The premise itself — a psych ward for young women is the site of a killing spree — is somewhat pre-Carpenter, and the toe-dip into torture porn feels a little desperate. But his budget-blond lead, B-movie mistress Amber Heard, is well-chosen, and the combination of an excellent supporting cast and a pliable theme work to offset the sizable debits incurred by the often rote direction and seriously iffy ending.

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REVIEW: Amber Heard Brings Some Intrigue to Otherwise Uninspired The Ward

Meet the Bodybuilding Neo-Nazi Porn Star Who Embalms Dead People for a Living [Interview]

The internet is full of strange people. Corinna Burt may be the strangest. The prominent white supremacist is an undertaker, bodybuilder, and former torture porn star. By phone, she discussed her unusual life and how racism “saved her” from porn. More