Tag Archives: premise-itself

‘Daughter, Wife, Mother, Warrior’: Watch the Hilariously Bombastic Trailer for the Sarah Palin Documentary

If you thought the Sarah Palin campaign-boosting documentary The Undefeated wouldn’t resort to such propaganda-y things as comparing the former half-term Alaskan governor to a Marine while video of a burning building plays onscreen, some bad news : it does. On the upside, however, is this hilarious juxtaposition: “On day one, Governor Palin made it absolutely clear that this was a different governor,” says someone in voiceover just as a dollar bill is being cut up with scissors. Different! (Alternate: That’s one way to slash the budget?) The trailer for The Undefeated is here.

‘Daughter, Wife, Mother, Warrior’: Watch the Hilariously Bombastic Trailer for the Sarah Palin Documentary

REVIEW: Amber Heard Brings Some Intrigue to Otherwise Uninspired The Ward

The Ward , John Carpenter’s first directorial effort in 10 years, is not an ideal hiatus-buster. The premise itself — a psych ward for young women is the site of a killing spree — is somewhat pre-Carpenter, and the toe-dip into torture porn feels a little desperate. But his budget-blond lead, B-movie mistress Amber Heard, is well-chosen, and the combination of an excellent supporting cast and a pliable theme work to offset the sizable debits incurred by the often rote direction and seriously iffy ending.

The rest is here:
REVIEW: Amber Heard Brings Some Intrigue to Otherwise Uninspired The Ward