Tag Archives: the-undefeated

Jonah Hill and Mark Wahlberg Could Join Good Time Gang, and 5 Other Stories You’ll Be Talking About Today

Also in this Friday edition of The Broadsheet: Some fresh James Bond casting rumors… Space Invaders blasts to the big screen (again)… Step Up 4 finds a female lead… and more ahead.

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Jonah Hill and Mark Wahlberg Could Join Good Time Gang, and 5 Other Stories You’ll Be Talking About Today

‘Daughter, Wife, Mother, Warrior’: Watch the Hilariously Bombastic Trailer for the Sarah Palin Documentary

If you thought the Sarah Palin campaign-boosting documentary The Undefeated wouldn’t resort to such propaganda-y things as comparing the former half-term Alaskan governor to a Marine while video of a burning building plays onscreen, some bad news : it does. On the upside, however, is this hilarious juxtaposition: “On day one, Governor Palin made it absolutely clear that this was a different governor,” says someone in voiceover just as a dollar bill is being cut up with scissors. Different! (Alternate: That’s one way to slash the budget?) The trailer for The Undefeated is here.

‘Daughter, Wife, Mother, Warrior’: Watch the Hilariously Bombastic Trailer for the Sarah Palin Documentary

Sarah Palin Movie Coming Soon to Theater, Presidential Campaign Near You

For a while now, Sarah Palin has been the X-factor in the quest for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012. The former Alaska governor has a few hurdles to clear before officially declaring her candidacy — not the least of which is her abdication of her office in 2009 with more than a year left in her term, which raised concerns in the GOP about her ability to lead and/or follow through. But! That’s nothing a pro-Palin documentary — made with her cooperation and debuting next month — shouldn’t be able to fix.

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Sarah Palin Movie Coming Soon to Theater, Presidential Campaign Near You

UFC 114: Todd Duffee will surely win via KO on Round 1

The 114th Ultimate Fighting Championship will feature 5 awesome main bouts. Todd Duffee, the undefeated Heavyweight fighter will also be present in UFC 114! UFC 114 live stream is about to begin an hour from now. UFC 114 will start at exactly 7:00 PM PT and 10:00 PM ET. As we all know, this is one of the most awaited UFC events in the hisory of UFC. Quinton Jackson will be facing Rashad Evans in the main event of UFC 114. UFC 114 has also a very predictable bout. Todd Duffee, the undefeated Heavyweight UFC fighter will face Mike Russow in the Heavyweight bout of UFC 114. A lot predicted that Mike Russow will be defeated by knock out on Round 1 in less than 30 seconds. Others also predicted that Russow will go down in less than a minute. I agree with the predictions, but let’s find out later how weak is Russow and how strong is Duffee for Mike. Below is the picture of the fastest knock out ever by Todd Duffee. He defeated Tim Hague in Round 1 for only 7 seconds! Knock out by punches dude! More interesting fight cards will also be featured in UFC 114. Here are the rest of the main bouts in UFC 114. Light Heavyweight bout: Quinton Jackson vs. Rashad Evans Middleweight bout: Michael Bisping vs. Dan Miller Heavyweight bout: Todd Duffee vs. Mike Russow Light Heavyweight bout: Antônio Rogério Nogueira vs. Jason Brilz Welterweight bout: Diego Sanchez vs. John Hathaway Results, Highlights, Play-by-play and replay videos of UFC 114 will be posted later. For the meanwhile, you can read the instructions here of how to watch UFC 114 live stream online for free. UFC 114: Todd Duffee will surely win via KO on Round 1 is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading

UFC 111 Results: St. Pierre defeated Hardy

Wow, UFC 111 was really a historic Ultimate Fighting Championship event. UFC 111 Results: Carwin defeated Mir via TKO at 3:48 of round 1, Pellegrino defeated Camoes via submission (rear naked choke) at 4:20 of round 2, Fitch defeated Saunders via unanimous decision, Miller defeated Bocek via unanimous decision, and Georges St. Pierre defeated Hardy via unanimous decision. The results are expected and the predictions actually came true. Shane Carwin, the undefeated remains undefeated and George St-Pierre proved that he’s really the Welterweight Champion of UFC. Congratulations to all the winners and see you all on UFC 112. UFC 111 Results: St. Pierre defeated Hardy is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading