Tag Archives: howard hughes

RIP Jane Russell [PICS, VIDEO]

Jane Russell , archetype of the brunette bombshell and star of The Outlaw (1943) and Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) , has ridden off into the sunset at age 89. The voluptuous Miss Russell was discovered working in a doctor’s office by eccentric millionaire Howard Hughes , who according to legend designed the first push-up bra to cradle Jane’s bountiful bouncing boobs. Hughes cast her as the tempestuous Rio McDonald in The Outlaw, where Jane’s cleavage was deemed so scandalous that the film’s release was delayed several years. Jane and her unmanageably massive milk jugs went on to star in dozens of films throughout the 1950’s; she is best remembered for her Westerns and her musical collaborations with Marilyn Monroe. Jane’s film career tapered off after 1958, but she was the face of Playtex bras in the 1970s and 1980s (“for full figured gals”) and continued singing in nightclubs until 2008. Jane was a true titan of titillation for generations of men and will be missed by funbag fans the world over.

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RIP Jane Russell [PICS, VIDEO]

‘Gentlemen Prefer Blondes’ star Jane Russell passes away


Originally posted here:

R.I.P Jane …Marilyn was the blonde, but Jane was the sassy, sexy, buxom brunette. Jane Russell, whose voluptuous good looks won the attention of millionaire Howard Hughes and launched her on a movie career, died Monday of respiratory failure at her home in Santa Maria, Calif. She was 89. Generally cast in fluff films like 1943’s The Outlaw that showed off her well-endowed beauty, Russell reached… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Pam’s House Blend Discovery Date : 01/03/2011 01:18 Number of articles : 2

‘Gentlemen Prefer Blondes’ star Jane Russell passes away

Fade Out: Jane Russell (1921-2011)


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The sex symbol of Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and the follow-up Gentlemen Marry Brunettes, Jane Russell, has passed away at the age of 89. She first appeared in The Outlaw, after Howard Hughes discovered her and the two body parts that become both a signature of her style and of the controversy she would help create. Her most iconic role, of course, is alongside Marilyn Monroe in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Film School Rejects Discovery Date : 01/03/2011 01:59 Number of articles : 2

Fade Out: Jane Russell (1921-2011)

Freemasons Run The World: Does Christopher Nolan Have His Sights Set On A Howard Hughes Biopic?

Vulture is reporting that once his directing duties in Gotham City finish up, Christopher Nolan will next tackle the crazy life of crazy Howard Hughes. But, wait, didn’t Martin Scorsese just do the same story? Is this just Nolan’s Vice Versa to Scorsese’s Big ?

See the rest here:
Freemasons Run The World: Does Christopher Nolan Have His Sights Set On A Howard Hughes Biopic?