Tag Archives: hype

Dancing With the Stars Finale Crowns a Deserving New Champ

Kate Gosselin didn’t take enough flight to make the hype worthwhile, we’ll tell you that. Otherwise, the two-hour finale of Dancing With the Stars was a wee bit more relevant…

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Dancing With the Stars Finale Crowns a Deserving New Champ

Glee Does Madonna: Rating the Leaked Songs

Are you tired of Glee yet? Well, too bad! The Fox series continues to permeate the cultural zeitgeist and it doesn’t show any signs of stopping. And if you believe the hype, the all-Madonna episode airing Tuesday is going to be the biggest television event ever . Including the Fox-sanctioned Jane Lynch video for “Vogue,” four of the ten songs from the episode have leaked onto the Internet in the last couple of days. And, not surprisingly, they’re pure Glee specials: overly earnest, overly produced and — somehow — pretty great. How do they rate? Click ahead to listen and find out.

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Glee Does Madonna: Rating the Leaked Songs

The iPad Backlash is Here [Hype]

The iPad hasn’t fulfilled the wildest dreams and financial models of every would-be fan, and some are upset. Inevitable. But our sympathies do go those haters who own the Apple tablet and can’t even stay connected to the internet . More

Conan Changes Lives

Link: http://www.popeater.com/2010/03/08/sa… You know that Conan decided to follow one person on Twitter, the lucky Sarah Killen. It turns out that the Conan Bump will get your whole wedding paid for and raise a lot of money for charity. Conan: believe the hype. The Best Links: The Conan Bump – Featured on BuzzFeed Read

Conan Is One Fox-y Late-Night Host—Just Ask Twitter!

There’s just no outsmarting a Fox. Which is why the network’s aw-shucks reluctance to enter into a public courtship with Conan O’Brien is starting to look downright..

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Conan Is One Fox-y Late-Night Host—Just Ask Twitter!

Chris Pine and Olivia Munn Split? A Rumor Debunked

Did you hear the one about Chris Pine and Olivia Munn breaking up? Don’t believe the hype. Sure enough, the Star Trekker and Attack of the Show! babe did attend a party separately on..

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Chris Pine and Olivia Munn Split? A Rumor Debunked

Levi’s Johnston Is Gonna Cost Ya

Filed under: Hot Bodies You wanna see if Levi Johnston lives up to his name? It’s gonna cost you.

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Levi’s Johnston Is Gonna Cost Ya

Levi Johnston Keeping His Johnson to Himself

Levi Johnston must be more bashful than we thought. After all the hype, the father to Sarah Palin’s grandson won’t be giving Playgirl the full monty. What a…

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Levi Johnston Keeping His Johnson to Himself

Mary-Kate Olsen and Her Hot Legs of the Day

I don’t know why I downloaded this shit, and by shit I mean Mary Kate Olsen, I never was into her, not even when she was underage and I never understood the hype about them. Now she looks like she’s dying / Michael Jackson, and I guess that’s what happens when your youth was robbed from you back when Bob Saget first inserted his cock in her when he got carried away changing her diapers.

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Mary-Kate Olsen and Her Hot Legs of the Day

"Why Must I Cry" (Tosh.0 Remix)

The folks at Comedy Central's Tosh.0 gave Reh Dogg's legendary internet video the Hype Williams-style remix it deserves. Watch the original here , then check this out to see what an amazing job they did

"Why Must I Cry" (Tosh.0 Remix)