Tag Archives: i’m still here

The Situation’s App is a Best-Seller, and 6 Other Stories You’ll Be Talking About Today

Also in today’s edition of the Broadsheet: Rachel Weisz joins the 360 promiscuity roundelay… Nobody cares about I’m Still Here … Don’t hold your breath for Kick-Ass 2 … and more…

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The Situation’s App is a Best-Seller, and 6 Other Stories You’ll Be Talking About Today

David Letterman Was In On Joaquin Phoenix’s I’m Still Here Gag

If you can’t trust your late night talk show hosts, who can you trust? Hot on the heels on director Casey Affleck’s admission that I’m Still Here isn’t really a documentary of Joaquin Phoenix’s decent into Amish-bearded madness, it’s been revealed that David Letterman was in on the hoax as well.

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David Letterman Was In On Joaquin Phoenix’s I’m Still Here Gag

3 Docs to Watch For: A Disgraced Governor, the Hot Bard of New Jersey and Steamy Mormon Sex

The problem with covering film festivals is that the things you have to see so often conflict with the things you want to see; bits of the latter have to be stuffed into the corners of the usual crazed festival going. There’s also the problem of making choices: The other day a new acquaintance tempted me, like a cartoon devil on my shoulder, to check out a Mexican film, Leap Year, that supposedly had, she said, “Lots of explicit sex.” Count me in! But after checking my schedule, I realized that if I went to see that, I’d miss the Alex Gibney documentary on Eliot Spitzer, Client 9: The Rise and Fall of Eliot Spitzer, which I was extremely curious about.

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3 Docs to Watch For: A Disgraced Governor, the Hot Bard of New Jersey and Steamy Mormon Sex

The 9 Most Unsettling Things About Joaquin Phoenix’s Mock-Documentary, I’m Still Here

Onscreen defecation. Back hair removal. Gay-shaming Newsweek reporter Ramin Setoodeh. Britney Spears’s vagina. What do they all have in common? They’re all featured in the insane Joaquin Phoenix documentary I’m Still Here , and if you can believe it, there are some things in it that are even weirder . Here are the 9 most unsettling things about the movie:

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The 9 Most Unsettling Things About Joaquin Phoenix’s Mock-Documentary, I’m Still Here

Joaquin Phoenix Mockumentary Opening Sept. 10

The best documentary ever made about Joaquin Phoenix getting crapped on is coming at you this fall. As rumored, Magnolia Pictures has sent over official confirmation that it bought I’m Still Here , the Casey Affleck-directed spectacle that has apparently dropped its subtitle, “The Lost Year of Joaquin Phoenix.” It will open Sept. 10 in limited release; I guess expect that proposed Phoenix/Letterman reunion … Sept. 7?

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Joaquin Phoenix Mockumentary Opening Sept. 10

Movieline Handicapping: Who Should Buy the Joaquin Phoenix Documentary?

Among the hundreds of titles available to distributors at this year’s Cannes Film Festival marketplace, only one wields the cachet of being a verite glimpse at an American actor’s performance-art public meltdown. But despite everything promised by the Casey Affleck-directed mock-doc I’m Still Here: The Lost Year of Joaquin Phoenix , prospective buyers remain hesitant to gamble on the project. That doesn’t mean it won’t sell, though. After the jump, let’s have a look at five adventurous-enough distributors who might be in the running for Phoenix’s pholly.

Read the original post:
Movieline Handicapping: Who Should Buy the Joaquin Phoenix Documentary?