Tag Archives: imelda-marcos

Finally, a Critic Who Really Gets The Iron Lady

Spoiler alert? “I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the preoccupation the director shows with Maggie’s shoes. There are so many shoe-shots in the film, it’s downright laughable. When she leaves number 10 for the last time, the shot lingers long enough on Streep’s walking feet it made me wonder if there was a shoe fetishist behind the camera. She wasn’t Imelda Marcos, after all. And the final scene of the movie: Maggie washes out her teacup in the sink. How tragic! Nah-nah-nah-nah-nah! The filmmakers could not resist that final, petty, hate-filled blow.” [ Big Hollywood ]

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Finally, a Critic Who Really Gets The Iron Lady

DJ AM — Shoe Gotta Be Kidding Me!

Filed under: Photo Galleries , DJ AM DJ AM had more shoes than freakin’ Imelda Marcos — and now his homies have posted a bunch of his sought after sneakers on Ebay to raise money for the DJ AM Memorial Fund. The fund — dedicated to helping people struggling with addiction — should … Permalink

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DJ AM — Shoe Gotta Be Kidding Me!

Dominick Dunne, Author

Dominick Dunne , chronicler of crime, celebrity, and the intersection of the two, has died at 83. Dunne had been suffering from bladder cancer. He was diagnosed last year, and his decline was sudden and largely unexpected, though Liz Smith reported on his condition just yesterday

Dominick Dunne, Author