Tag Archives: irreplaceables

Rose McGowan Blasts Ben Affleck: You LIE About Harvey Weinstein!

Following a few days of silence, Ben Affleck spoke out on Tuesday about Harvey Weinstein. The actor, who has worked many times in the past with the disgraced film producer, took to Facebook and wrote the following: I am saddened and angry that a man who I worked with used his position of power to intimidate, sexually harass and manipulate many women over decades. The additional allegations of assault that I read this morning made me sick. This is completely unacceptable, and I find myself asking what I can do to make sure this doesn’t happen to others. We need to do better at protecting our sisters, friends, co-workers and daughters. We must support those who come forward, condemn this type of behavior when we see it and help ensure there are more women in positions of power. Many had been waiting to hear from Affleck (and Matt Damon) after Weinstein played a major role in their careers by producing Good Will Hunting. Late last week, however, a bombshell report revealed that Weinstein has paid off eight women over the years in exchange for their silence regarding his alleged sexual misconduct. Then, a follow-up report claimed Weinstein has actually raped multiple young actresses and associates. He’s been fired from his company and his wife just announced she’s leaving him. The reverberations extend far beyond just Weinstein, however, as his behavior with women has been an open secret in Hollywood for decades. Who’s been helping him keep his horrible actions quiet? How deep does the cover-up go? We may find out more each day, but Rose McGowan has been one of the few people leading the charge against Weinstein from the beginning. She’s been outspoken on social media about his reputation and his inexcusable treatment of women… and now she’s here to call out Affleck. Shortly after Affleck issued the statement above, McGowan responded on Twitter. She flat out called Affleck a liar because she said she had a conversation with him many years ago in which she explained how Weinstein had sexually harassed her. Affleck’s supposed response? “Goddamnit! I told him to stop doing that.” The actress says this interaction took place while she and Affleck were at a press conference in promotion of a movie they did together, one she was “made” to attend even after an “assault” at the hands of Weinstein. McGowan concluded her Tweet in simple, straightforward fashion, by addressing Affleck with two damning words: You lie. Previously, McGowan called for all members of The Weinstein Company board to resign due to their silence over Weinstein’s treatment of women over the years. She’s doing all she can to lead this fight and to expose the rampant sexism in Hollywood. This is also known as doing the opposite of what Donna Karan is doing , as the fashion designer stepped into scalding hot water this week for suggesting Weinstein’s victims were to blame due to how they acted and dressed. Will Affleck response to McGowan’s harsh assertion? Will he have anything else to say on this controversial topic? And what disturbing piece of information will we learn next about Harvey Weinstein and/or those who know him well?

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Rose McGowan Blasts Ben Affleck: You LIE About Harvey Weinstein!

Dance Moms Season 7 Episode 24 Recap: Farewell, Abby Lee Miller?

It’s hard to believe that The Irreplaceables were once part of the ALDC. What a difference a few weeks makes.  On Dance Moms Season 7 Episode 24 , the two teams went head-to-head at the FIERCE National Dance Competition, and Abby Lee Miller struggled to come to terms with a significant betrayal.  Watch Dance Moms Season 7 Episode 24 Online When the episode got underway, Ashlee wasted no time in going after Camille to let everyone know that she is nothing more than a snake. The big issue stemmed from Camille apparently saying Brynn was lying about her and Camryn making an appearance at the ALDC.  The terrible thing about all of this was the message they were sending to the swarm of young fans who were looking at them swear at each other.  The ladies retreated to continue to press the girls to do well at the competition. The Irreplaceables’ moms wanted this to be the thing that defined them for being away from Abby.  They wanted to achieve a win without the influence of her. Things did not get much better when Aisha showed up to find that the girls were still defying her.  She thinks the girls are struggling because they do not know much about how the industry works. This was not exactly what they wanted to hear, and it caused a lot of drama for them.  Kira took issue with the way Aisha was talking about everyone and felt like she was too hard on them. In reality, Aisha wanted them to be a success because it would look bad on her if they did not.  Aisha then took aim at Kalani for not paying attention to what she was saying. She worried that the girls would not be able to separate themselves from the pack if they went to an audition without their mothers.  Elsewhere, Abby appeared to speak to the ALDC mothers and went on another screaming session about how she made all of the others a lot of money by letting them be a part of her team.  But, why is she blaming them when she’s clearly the one who cannot handle having some money without causing some drama for herself? Things then went into overdrive when Abby bickered with a producer because she did not want to be in the audience to face the other mothers and disappears.  While Abby is hiding in the shadows, everyone learns the ALDC is doing “Where Have all the Children Gone?” and everyone seemed mad about it.  Things took another epic turn when the mothers threw sass at one another and went as low as trashing their daughters. The Irreplaceables take second place proving they are not the force they were with the ALDC.  When does Abby Lee Miller really leave? Next week, probably.  What do you think about all the action? Sound off below! View Slideshow: Lifetime Reality Shows: The Ultimate Rankings!

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Dance Moms Season 7 Episode 24 Recap: Farewell, Abby Lee Miller?