Tag Archives: jesus

Shannade Clermont Recalls Her Fateful ‘Sugar Daddy’ Date,Hopes She’ll Come Out Of Jail ‘Strong Like Martha Stewart’

Source: Prince Williams / Getty Shannade Clermont Speaks Out Before Beginning Jail Sentence Shannade Clermont’s accepted her fate and she’s speaking out. The model who’s set to serve a year-long sentence for racking up charges on a dead man’s debit card , sat down with The New York Post’s Page Six for an interview on several things, including what really went down the night that man, James Alesi, died. According to Shannade, Alesi, a 42-year-old real-estate broker, was her “sugar daddy” and she had no idea he was in dire straights when she took his card and left a hotel where they had a rendezvous that prosecutors called a “$400 prostitution date.” “He wasn’t asleep when I left — he was just drunk,” an emotional Shannade told The Post. “I have never been around people who have been on heavy drugs, so I didn’t really know. “It was like, ‘Oh, he was a drunk mess.’ I was annoyed . . . [I thought] he was playing games. So I just left.” Alesi was more than just drunk, he was overdosing and later died from cocaine mixed with fentanyl. Shannade admitted that she took Alesi’s card and used it (obviously) without permission and splurged on a $20,000 shopping spree, rent, flight purchases, and Valentino shoes. She also admitted that when she found out that Alesi died, she STILL used the card. “From the outside looking in, it looks like I knew he was dead and was like ‘haha’ . . . and that’s really sick,” said Shannade. Shannon, also at The Post’s interview, defended her sister, saying it’s “sick” anyone could think that Shannade knew Alesi was dead or dying and that she didn’t call 911. View this post on Instagram YAWA NO GO DEY Getting body Miami ready with this 7 day detox @ultimatebodytox #clermonttwins A post shared by Shannon and Shannade Clermont (@clermonttwins) on May 7, 2019 at 9:21pm PDT She also defiantly denied leading Alesi down a “wrong path.” “The thing was, he was known as a sugar daddy — very known,” Shannade said. “He’s not, like, an innocent person.” Later she admitted that she never had strong feelings for him. […] “I mean, I didn’t love him; I liked him,” Shannade said. “[He] was just someone who took care of me.” Oh, girl….. There’s much more to this story including Shannade namedropping her buddy Kim Kardashian and shamelessly comparing herself to other incarcerated celebs. Hit the flip for that.

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Shannade Clermont Recalls Her Fateful ‘Sugar Daddy’ Date,Hopes She’ll Come Out Of Jail ‘Strong Like Martha Stewart’

Suge: DaBaby Beats The Pants Off A Fan Foolishly Following Him Around The Louis Vuitton Store

Source: Dave Pedley / Getty DaBaby Cam Coldheart Fight Video Someone thought it’d be a good idea to troll DaBaby in a local mall, and that same someone was left pantsless and embarrassed. A rapper named Cam Coldheart took to IG to post a video of himself trolling the Charlotte rapper and following him around inside a Louis Vuitton store. “You a b****,” Cam can be heard saying in the video. “Y’all look at the n**** DaBaby. That n**** DaBaby in here talking some s***.” “He walking up on me and s*** like he about to do something. What you gon’ do? What you taking your s*** off for?” Cam apparently previously claimed that DaBaby was falsely repping Charlotte when he’s “really from Ohio” , so when he saw him out and about, he seized an opportunity. Unfortunately for Cam, DaBaby also seized the opportunity and Cam was left in a crumpled, bloody heap after the altercation. The rival rapper’s pants were also left around his ankles. “When bullying Baby on the internet goes wrong,” DaBaby captioned the vid. View this post on Instagram When bullying Baby on the internet goes wrong A post shared by BABY JESUS (@dababy) on May 25, 2019 at 5:41pm PDT SMH. Cam Coldheart is adamant however that Da Baby didn’t fight him one-on-one ad says he was jumped by DaBaby’s security. View this post on Instagram Caught me slippin dolo. Silver back from the slums this ain’t shit. Mfs bounce back from mfs jumpin em everyday. No statements made cam back for my belt told 12 I ain’t wanna talk. I got up walked to the car and made a post. Yea I’m hurt as hell Once again go to Loui in South Park and ask this security in Loui how many ppl jumped me when they rushed me dolo. He got his security wit em dressed like regular dude wit a legal strap @dababy keep it g u jumped me wit ya security and left me pretty, other than some scratches A post shared by Cam Coldheart (@camcoldheart) on May 25, 2019 at 7:29pm PDT Suuuuuure. If Cam was jumped, this is the second time in recent weeks that DaBaby’s security has been accused of being violent. They were previously seen on video beating up an “overzealous” fan, and that man is reportedly in a coma. We don’t condone violence, but everyone knows DaBaby will defend himself. Remember when he killed a man in Walmart who was trying to rob him? Leave that man alone, y’all. See more of the DaBaby VS Cam Coldheart fallout on the flip.

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Suge: DaBaby Beats The Pants Off A Fan Foolishly Following Him Around The Louis Vuitton Store

Jada Pinkett Smith Admits She Once Had An ‘Unhealthy Relationship’ With Porn Before Marriage

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Source: Axelle/Bauer-Griffin / Getty Like  Kirk Franklin  and Terry Crews  before her,  Jada Pinkett Smith  is opening up about an issue she once had with pornography. In a new episode of her wildly popular Facebook Watch series,  Red Table Talk , the  Girls Trip star discussed the topic with her mother,  Adrienne Bamford Norris and her daughter,  Willow . “Oh, Jesus,” Jada told Willow after the Smith daughter revealed she enjoyed “artsy” porn. “If I was still on my porn game, I’d be able to show you some good porn, ‘cause back in the day, I had a little porn addiction.” Jada’s time watching porn was well before her marriage to  Will Smith in December of 1997. “I wasn’t in a relationship when I had a porn addiction, believe it or not.” Willow admitted to her mother that she had first discovered porn when she was only 11 years old, while scrolling through her Tumblr account. “I saw some hardcore stuff,” she remembered, adding, “I was profoundly disturbed. Because I had you and daddy to actually, like, have real conversations with, that stuff didn’t really affect me. I had a connection with people that I could talk to about it.” The title of the episode, “Does Porn Ruin Relationships” prompted the three women to open up about their histories with pornography, shocking Willow’s grandmother who had zero clue that both Willow and Jada were so knowledgable about the subject. In Jada’s case, the  Set It Off actress revealed that she had an “unhealthy” relationship with porn, preferring to read illicit magazines and watch pornographic videos.  “I actually feel like I was using ‘addiction’ a little lightly. I had an unhealthy relationship to porn at one point in my life when I was trying to practice abstinence. It was actually, like, filling like an emptiness … but it’s actually not. … It’s a slippery slope.” RELATED:  Jada Pinkett Smith’s Opened Up About Her Relationship With White Women RELATED:  Jada Pinkett-Smith Reveals Will Smith Vacations With His Ex-Wife RELATED:  #CouplesWeLove: Will & Jada’s Love Stands The Test Of Time

Jada Pinkett Smith Admits She Once Had An ‘Unhealthy Relationship’ With Porn Before Marriage

Justin Bieber: Anxiety is Destroying My Life!

We all enjoy watching Justin Bieber take Eminem down a peg or hearing him call for vile racist Laura Ingraham to be fired . But he’s also a real person with real feelings. After admitting to being overwhelmed by anxiety, the Biebs put out a thoughtful message to his fans and followers. Justin Bieber shared this black-and-white selfie on Instagram along with a lengthy, largely religious message. “Don’t stop fighting the battle has already won,” Justin begins. He advises his fans and followers to “fight for what you love and who you love.” Justin then encourages them: “don’t let fear and anxiety win.” He is clearly speaking from personal experience. Justin’s heartfelt caption then takes a more explicitly religious tone. He writes: “god has not given us a spirit of fear but of power love and of a sound mind!” “I haven’t believed the truth about myself,” the Biebs laments. “I haven’t believed I am loved,” he admits. “I haven’t believed I am forgiven.” Justin confesses: “it’s a hard thing for me to wrap my head around.” “I hang my head in shame,” Justin Bieber’s emotional post continues. “And,” he writes. “I wallow in sadnes about the the people who have betrayed me.” Betrayed ? That took one hell of a turn. “Jesus has given me freedom,” Justin expresses. “And the persuit of getting to know his character is never ending.” “Gods character never changes,” he adds. “He is the same yesterday now and forever. He is always good!.” “I won’t be afraid to be vulnerable before him,” Justin says. “His power is made strong in our weakness.” “God isn’t afraid of your pain and your brokenness,” he writes. “He actually welcomes it.” “Come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest!” Justin quotes. “These are words from Jesus!” “There is hope and it’s in him!!” he gushes. “He loves and cares for you!” In addition to therapy and medication, a person can turn to spiritual practices or religious beliefs as an added comfort while battling any sort of mental illness. “For god so loved the world that he gave his only son so that whoever believes him wont die but have eternal life!” Justin continues. These comments should not come as a surprise to Justin’s fans, who know that he is such a devout Christian that he canceled his tour a couple of years ago. “You are that whoever and he accepts you as you are!!” he writes. “He loves and forgives you and welcomes you into his arms every time you mess.” Justin’s caption concludes: “He is a perfect and loving god who adores you!” That post might not mean much to some of Justin’s fans, but to those who share his views, it could be very reassuring. Either way, his fans are happy to see him express himself. In addition to this powerful post, Justin shared a meme in which he and Ed Sheeran were presented as “crippled with anxiety.” Most people with anxiety disorders try to avoid using “crippled,” out of respect for those with physical disabilities. But anxiety can be intensely debilitating, even to people who otherwise seem to have everything going for them. Mental illness can be just as cruel as physical ailments, but sometimes they are dismisses as “invisible illness.” If someone says that their anxiety is debilitating, they’re not joking, and there’s nothing weak or wrong about them. When celebrities speak out about the ways in which they suffer, fans become more aware of how millions experience the world. View Slideshow: 27 Celebrities Who Suffer From Mental Illness

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Justin Bieber: Anxiety is Destroying My Life!

Power Couple Dana Chanel & Prince Donnell Talk Relationship Goals And Entrepreneurship On ‘Just Eats With Chef JJ’ [Video]

Dana Chanell And Prince Donnell On ‘Just Eats With Chef JJ’ Everything is love and light this week in Chef JJ ‘s New York City loft as power couple and entrepreneurs Dana Chanel and Prince Donnell stop by to chop it up about their successful online ministry and being #relationshipgoals. Chef JJ kicked it of by serving up cocktails with pineapple spritzer infused with ginger, lime juice and coconut sugar brims, as the trio cook up the perfect Sunday meal — Curry-crusted Cod with Hominy Stew. Chanel’s ministry, a Sprinkle Of Jesus, is the largest online ministry with over 5 million users and several brand extensions, including a magazine, an app, events, merchandise and more. Her husband joined the Philadelphia-based business full-time after leaving his finance job and also serves as the CEO of Jumping Jack Tax, a tax preparation company. Viewers can get their binge on by tuning into Just Eats with Chef JJ marathons Monday through Friday at 11am. On Saturday, the series premieres new episodes at 12pm. Check out the clip above.

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Power Couple Dana Chanel & Prince Donnell Talk Relationship Goals And Entrepreneurship On ‘Just Eats With Chef JJ’ [Video]

Kanye West Takes His Sunday Service Congregation To Coachella

Ever since co-signing Donald Trump’s MAGA madness that’s been tearing away at the fabric that is our democracy and turning political norms on it’s head, Kanye West has been making some interesting choices, including starting a weekly Sunday service in which he and his congregation praise the Lord in Yeezy fashion. Naturally, the service is an exclusive affair and held at a secret location in LA. So when it was announced that Kanye would be taking his choir with him to Coachella to give the crowd a spiritual experience, we didn’t know what to expect but it has happened and of course, it was something to behold. Taking to a hilltop stage at a camping area of the festival, Kanye’s set began at nine in the morning, but Yeezus himself didn’t take to the mic until two hours later where he set things off with his ’04 classic cut “All Falls Down” before eventually debuting his new spiritually moving track “Water.” Rocking a new Easter-egg lavender colored wig piece and purple church getup, Ye rocked the crowd as only he can and gave attendees a show they’ll soon not forget. Featuring guests like DMX, Chance The Rapper and Kid Cudi, Kanye’s set was filled with all kinds of surprises including an overwhelmed Yeezy getting all in his emotions and shedding tears. Powerful. Ye, Cudi, DMX, and Chance #SundayService pic.twitter.com/MIhn4m0zmh — Def Jam Recordings (@defjam) April 21, 2019 Check out some videos of Kanye’s Sunday Service at Coachella below and let us know your thoughts. “JESUS WALKS” at #Coachella Did you catch Kanye’s #SundayService celebration? pic.twitter.com/beV1QNWfZS — HYPEBEAST (@HYPEBEAST) April 21, 2019 NEW ‘YE ALERT @kanyewest debuted a new song “Water” during his #Coachella   #SundayService performance. pic.twitter.com/bPpFzKdWEU — HYPEBEAST (@HYPEBEAST) April 21, 2019 — Photo: Getty

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Kanye West Takes His Sunday Service Congregation To Coachella

The Duggars Call Easter a Different Name and Celebrate in Weird Duggar Fashion

On Sunday, millions of Americans gathered with loved ones to celebrate the resurrection of a towering figure who many believe to be the foretold savior of mankind. We’re talking, of course, about Jon Snow. But in addition to one of the final Game of Thrones nights, yesterday was also significant because it was Easter … or as the Duggars call it, Resurrection Day. Yes, the Duggars like to keep the focus on JC during their holiday festivities (and during everything else they do in life, to be honest). And so, Easter becomes Resurrection Day and Christmas is Jesus’ birthday. (We’re pretty sure their kids would have gotten the point of the celebration without the name change, but whatever floats your ark.) Anyway, Michelle spoke about the family’s celebration in 2014, just months before the Josh Duggar sex scandals led to the cancelation of her first reality show, 19 Kids and Counting. “We call it ‘Resurrection Day’ because we really want to make the focus and emphasis on the fact that it’s the resurrection of Jesus Christ,” Michelle explained at the time. It seems that in most ways, the Duggar festivities resemble those you would find in many homes across America. “We sing songs, we draw pictures of the cross, and we make cookies,” the mother of 19 added. “We will make cookies and decorate them, and then we memorize little verses,” she adds. Okay, so Easter isn’t really a cookie-baking, song-singing occasion for most of us, but the whole thing sounds pretty normal by Duggar standards … until you get to the pickles. Apparently, each of the Duggar children gets a jar of pickles in their Easter basket. “The Duggars love pickles. I think it probably started that when my mom is pregnant she craves pickles, that is the one thing,” Jessa Duggar once told In Touch . “Every time we see her eating pickles we say ‘Are you pregnant?’”  It gets weirder. Joy-Anna revealed that when a Duggar takes his or her first bite of a pickle, it’s considered a monumental event. “Any time a family member tries a pickle for the first time, we always go around and take videos and pictures and everyone comes around to watch their facial expression,” she said. Oof. We’re sure Freud would have a field day with a family who’s so uptight about sex being obsessed with pickles, but we’re gonna leave it alone. View Slideshow: Duggar Family: Secrets of Their Twisted Ministry Revealed

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The Duggars Call Easter a Different Name and Celebrate in Weird Duggar Fashion

Earl In The Wild: Earl Sweatshirt Gets Into It With A Religious Protestor Outside Of His Show

Source: Tim Mosenfelder / Getty Earl Sweatshirt Goes In On A Protestor At His Show Videos of Earl Sweatshirt in the wild are always a delight, just like this latest footage of the rapper going in on a protestor outside of his show. Earl performed at Cervantes’ Masterpiece Ballroom in Denver, Colorado this week, but outside of the venue, he ended up getting into a confrontation with a religious protestor. A video of what went down ended up surfacing on April 12 after being taken by one of his fans who attended the show. “Spontaneously went to an Earl Sweatshirt show in Denver and saw him outside the venue telling this racist, sexist religious dude to fuck off,” she wrote in her caption. The footage shows Sweatshirt standing next to his tour bus as he gets into an argument with a man holding up a megaphone and flashlight, standing on a milk crate. As he tries to reason with the protestor, a woman continuously twerks in front of him, presumably trying to make him mad and leave the premises. “Can you stop?” Earl says to the man repeatedly. The protestor continues to counter, saying, “The Bible commands all man everywhere to repent. There comes a day that he will judge you and he will judge you for your sins. Your sins, sir, are going to drive you to hell. You need to repent of your sins and turn to Jesus Christ.” Earl is simply trying to get this dude to stop and continuously claps his hands together while telling the man, “Shut up, be quiet and go away.” Toward the end of the video, someone who appears to be security starts to pull Earl away from the scene. Check out the footage down below of what you can expect outside of the venue at your next Earl Sweatshirt concert. Spontaneously went to an Earl Sweatshirt show in Denver and saw him outside the venue telling this racist, sexist religious dude to fuck off pic.twitter.com/Zg2gOTB798 — Dweeb (@asvpgab) April 12, 2019

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Earl In The Wild: Earl Sweatshirt Gets Into It With A Religious Protestor Outside Of His Show

Spring Break Idiot Slut and Other Videos of the Day

Man in Great Outfit I like When Bulls Win Idiot Playing Chicken Girl Covered in Batter Sleeps Through a Robbery Woman Fires Gun at Jeep… Dude Gets Tasered The post Spring Break Idiot Slut and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Spring Break Idiot Slut and Other Videos of the Day

AnnaSophia Robb in a Magazine of the Day

I was introduced to AnnaSophia Robb when I was watching a weird Jesus freak movie about a surfer who got her arm eaten off by a shark…a one armed surfer who wore a bikini the entire movie….while Jack Nicholson’s daughter played her BFF…who was also in a bikini the entire movie….a great premise of a real life story….the great premise not being the god aspect, the shark aspect, even the surf aspect…but rather the girl in a bikini aspect…that shit is all we need… Well, she’s in some new show on HULU about that Gypsy Rose freak who’s mom was convinced she was sick and loved the attention she got from Habitat for Humanity and Make a Wish Foundation and all the charities she basically frauded….pretending her daughter was sick…only to be killed by her daughter and her internet boyfriend…some dude who jacked off for 9 hours in a McDonalds as a previous crime….you know a basic retard…. She doesn’t play the fat mom, the sick kid, but the slutty neighbor….who doesn’t get naked but who I guess is out there doing media around the new job – as actors do. Here’s that media. The post AnnaSophia Robb in a Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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AnnaSophia Robb in a Magazine of the Day