Tag Archives: judge-ordered

Female teacher facing child porn and child sex charges

Patti Kaye Holdship, 42-year-old woman from Cadillac, Michigan,has been accused of multiple counts of child sex abuse and possession of child pornography involving two boys, ages 15 and 16. The charges involving the 16-year-old span from January 1 to February 5 2010 in Missaukee County and the 10 counts involving the 15-year-old span from around June 2008 to March 2009. All in all she isr facing 27 counts for manufacturing, distributing and possessing child pornography. Holdship was arraigned this week in Missaukee District Court on the felony charges. A judge ordered her held on a $50,000 bond and ruled that she is to have no contact with minors The allegations came to light last spring when the parents of the 16-year-old approached police with information that Holdship had had sexual contact with their son. Read more from the source: http://femalesexoffenders.com/fso/index.php/the-news/176-patti-kaye-holdship-arr… added by: b2r

Kelis Kicks the $tuffing Out of Nas

How’s this for some nasty news for Nas: a California judge ordered the “You Owe Me” MC to pony up nearly $300,000 to ex-wife Kelis for failing to live up to the terms of…

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Kelis Kicks the $tuffing Out of Nas

Judge to Pamela Bach — SCRAM

Filed under: Celebrity Justice , David Hasselhoff Pamela Bach’s liver has been under lock and key since her last DUI hearing … in the form of an alcohol monitoring bracelet. According to court documents, a judge ordered David Hasselhoff’s ex to wear a SCRAM device — an anklet that constantly ..

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Judge to Pamela Bach — SCRAM