Tag Archives: kaiser-griffith

Nathan Griffith: Did He Accuse Jenelle Evans of Child Abuse?

Jenelle Evans has done all sorts of wild and disgusting things during her time on Teen Mom 2 , but thus far, no one has accused her of full-blown child abuse. Obviously, many folks claimed that Jenelle is a negligent parent . And more than a few have accused Jenelle of physical assault , but never against a child. However, it now looks as though Ms. Evans will be forced to answer from some mighty serious allegations coming from none other than her former fiance, Nathan Griffith. The news of the latest dispute between the parents of 2-year-old Kaiser comes to us courtesy of The Ashley’s Reality Roundup. According to the site, there many fans expressed concern in connection with a photo Jenelle posted over the weekend. The image shows Kaiser at the beach, and the boy appears to have some dark bruises on his arm. Some of Jenelle’s followers stated their belief that they’re the kind of bruises that might be caused by grabbing a child forcefully. It’s important for us to point out that we are no way implying that Jenelle or her fiance, David Eason, have in any way behaved in an abusive fashion toward any of the children in their care. But some folks on social media had no qualms about doing a LOT more than implying. Many outright accused Jenelle and David of abuse, and it seems Nathan very understandably became concerned. “If anyone dared lay a physical hand on either one of my kids, it would be hell on earth real freaking quick! # treadlightly # definitionofDADDY,” Griffith tweeted. Yes, Nathan sounds pissed. But there’s more than one way to interpret that tweet. He could be assuring fans that he has no reason to suspect Jenelle or David, and if he ever did, the hell on Earth would ensue, and whatnot. Or maybe he’s attempting to publicly call Jenelle out. If that’s the case it probably won’t be long before he does so in a more formal setting. Jenelle and Nathan’s custody battle is ongoing, and the exes have been consistently upping the ante in terms of the accusations they level at one another. View Slideshow: 13 Shocking Jenelle Evans Facts Even We Didn’t Know!

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Nathan Griffith: Did He Accuse Jenelle Evans of Child Abuse?

Jenelle Evans: Parenting Criticized For INSANE Reason!

Teen Mom 2 fans are often critical of Jenelle Evans, and with good reason. Jenelle is a strong contender for worst mom in the history of reality television. (Of course, a case could be made for her fellow Teen Mom alum Farrah Abraham, but that’s a conversation for another time.) Jenelle has been arrested more times than you can count on two hands. She has an outrageous temper that’s spurred her to violence on numerous occasions. She lost custody of her first son as a result of her rampant substance abuse and frequent run-ins with the law.  To make matters worse, she frequently antagonizes her own mother, who raises the boy, thus ensuring that he’ll grow up thoroughly traumatized as a result of being surrounded by constant hostility. But because she makes for such an easy target, fans sometimes unload on Jenelle even when she really hasn’t done anything that bad. For example, you may remember the thankfully short-lived Jenelle flotation device controversy from last April, during which the reality star was slammed for putting what many fans believed to be an improper life vest on her youngest son, Kaiser, while he was riding in a boat. (It turned out that the device was, in fact, Coast Guard-approved.) Anyway, a similar scenario is playing itself out on Jenelle’s Instagram today, thanks to this seemingly innocuous photo that Evans posted online: As you can see, it’s Kaiser again, and this time he’s simply sitting at a table, eating some corn on the cob. Surely, there’s nothing about that that people can find fault with, right? Ha! This must be your first day on the Internet. The concern trolls came out in force to argue that Jenelle should have her kids taken away for failing to feed them from a plate. Yes, the fact that Kaiser appears to be eating from a tray and not fine china is enough to get these people all riled up.  Thankfully, Jenelle has yet to dignify the criticism with a response, but her fans (Yes, there are people who are actually fans of Jenelle Evans.) have been taking care of the clap-back for her. Of course, the best approach to these situations is always to refuse to feed the trolls. Unfortunately, that’s easier said than done, especially for someone like Jenelle. View Slideshow: 13 Shocking Jenelle Evans Facts Even We Didn’t Know! That fiery temper we mentioned earlier? It doesn’t always manifest itself in assaulting her exes’ girlfriends . Jenelle is a reality star who loves social media drama, which means she’ll probably be elected president some time around 2044. Watch Teen Mom 2 online to prepare for her administration.

Read this article:
Jenelle Evans: Parenting Criticized For INSANE Reason!