Tag Archives: katsuhiro-otomo

Manga Fan/Would-Be Tetsuo Toby Kebbell Is Totally Not Getting That Akira Gig Now

Wrath of the Titans actor Toby Kebbell ( Control , RocknRolla ) was once up for the part of Tetsuo in Warner Bros.’ live-action adaptation of Katsuhiro Otomo’s cyberpunk manga and anime Akira — but with the project stalled, he unleashed some real talk on the direction the studio intended on taking the big-budget franchise. Among WB’s plans: They wanted to adapt the anime and not the richer source material of the mangas, and planned on taking certain liberties with key character relationships to boot. “I was like, ‘The point is that Tetsuo can’t comprehend how someone who isn’t his brother could love him so much — and that’s where his wrath and his rage come from. Do you not see that? Why have you made them brothers? What the fuck are you doing?’” [ IFC via Collider ]

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Manga Fan/Would-Be Tetsuo Toby Kebbell Is Totally Not Getting That Akira Gig Now

Live-Action Akira Green Lit; Garrett Hedlund Rumored Front-Runner

The long-gestating live-action adaptation of the popular manga and anime tale Akira has been resuscitated at Warner Bros. months after Albert Hughes dropped out of the director’s chair . Is this good news for diehard fans of Katsuhiro Otomo’s cyberpunk saga? What if the front runner to play Kaneda is Tron: Legacy ‘s Garrett Hedlund ?

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Live-Action Akira Green Lit; Garrett Hedlund Rumored Front-Runner