Tag Archives: kicked-someone

POLL: Should Mitt Romney Release More Tax Returns?

It’s an issue Democrats will not let go of, and one even many Republicans now believe must be addressed: Mitt Romney has released tax returns from 2010 and 2011. But he has so far refused to delve further into his past, raising questions about what sort of loopholes or offshore accounts the Presidential candidate is hiding. “We’ve given all people need to know and understand about our financial situation and about how we live our life,” Ann Romney said today on Good Morning America. But even prominent conservatives such as Haley Barbour think Romney ought be more forthright, and a USA Today survey of 539 adults show one-third of Republicans agree . It hasn’t been the best week for Romney. He was booed during an NAACP after making a comment about Obamacare . Where do you stand on the tax return issue? Should Romney release more documents?

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POLL: Should Mitt Romney Release More Tax Returns?

MC Chris Apologizes for Giving Concert Goer the Boot

MC Chris has taken to YouTube to apologize for his behavior at a concert in Philadelphia on Tuesday night. Here’s what went down: An attendee named Mike Taylor posted a Tweet that was critical of MC’s opening act, Richie Branson. He then went to the lobby and couldn’t believe his ears, as Chris apparently read the message and called Taylor out on stage.