Tag Archives: kirsten

Viggo Mortensen & Kirsten Dunst on the red carpet – Hollywood.TV


Click to Subscribe! – http://bit.ly/SubHTV Hollywood.TV is your source for daily celebrity news and gossip! Viggo Mortensen and Kirsten Dunst star in The Two Faces of January. The film centers…

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Viggo Mortensen & Kirsten Dunst on the red carpet – Hollywood.TV

Dioni Tabbers Naked for Fashion of the Day

I am a fan of Dioni Tabbers. I don’t really know all that much about her, other than the fact that she doesn’t really have much of a following, considering she’s been getting naked for photoshoots for at least 4 years…at least according to my ARCHIVE …something I never assumed would come in handy, but that I guess does when trying to figure out what this Dutch girl is doing and who she is… I just assumed she was a hipster model from LA, but I guess she’s booked actual work, and really I don’t care if she’s getting paid, if she’s famous, if she’s making money, or if she’s doing big things or not. I’m just down with her getting topless and showing off her great tits…and I know..that she’ll end up marrying and pregnant with a rich guy, that’s just how pretty girls work…and if you were a pretty girl, I’d hope you work that way too.. THe pics are by by

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Dioni Tabbers Naked for Fashion of the Day

Kirsten Dunst in a Bathing Suit for L’Oreal of the Day

Here is Kirsten Dunst, not looking anything like Kirsten Dunst for L’Oreal, the make-up company that takes your face and turns into the face of another person… She must be pushing 40 by now, and I find the showered version of her very dull. I was into the medicated, suffering from success, rich and famous version that looked homeless as she was self destructing in her perpetually, broken girl who had everything, feeling sorry for herself narcissist that all actors are… There was a time I appreciated, maybe even masturbated to her big tits on small frame…it was probably in the 90s…and maybe there’s hope for her still, as long as she walks through life with a giant filter over her …. Either way…I’m not against this pic.

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Kirsten Dunst in a Bathing Suit for L’Oreal of the Day

Kirsten Dunst fully naked

The sweetheart of America – Kirsten Dunst in the opening of Melancholia movie, a beautiful film about the end of the world. She has 30 years old and is a famous actress, singer and model. Continue reading

andPOP pick me: Justin Bieber tickets

Our names are Rhiannon and Kirsten and this is our entry for the andPOP Justin Bieber tickets contest!! We are HUUUUGGGEEEE Justin Bieber fans, crazy, obsessed etc and yes, we made the sweaters! Song: Justin Bieber – As long as you love me http://www.youtube.com/v/FuU0ceJkjLU?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Go here to see the original: andPOP pick me: Justin Bieber tickets

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andPOP pick me: Justin Bieber tickets

‘On The Road’ At TIFF: The Reviews Are In!

From plot to performances, critics weigh in on the Walter Salles-directed flick after its Toronto International Film Festival premiere. By Kara Warner Kirsten Dunst, Garrett Hedlund and Kristen Stewart at the “On the Road” premiere Photo: George Pimentel/ Getty Images

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‘On The Road’ At TIFF: The Reviews Are In!

Kirsten Dunst naked clip

We never even knew that Kirsten Dunst was hot before seeing her in this video clip from the movie All Good Things completely nude getting into the shower. Continue reading

9 Milestones in the Evolution of Kirsten Dunst

In this weekend’s Melancholia , Kirsten Dunst stars as a conflicted bride anticipating the end of the world only hours after her wedding. So just how did Dunst transform herself from a child vampiress vixen to a Lars von Trier muse?

9 Milestones in the Evolution of Kirsten Dunst

Kirsten Dunst Busty Bikini Pics of the Day

I have always loved Kirsten Dunsts big tits on her skinny frame. I never cared if she showerd or how bad her teeth were. I never cared how drunk, or medicated, or confused she seemed to be. I never cared how much shit her career was in at the time. I just cared that she was busy and skinny in some freak nature situation I love to see happen and when it does happen I like to celebrate with orgasms all over my belly…..so you can imagine just how excited I am to see Kirsten Dunst half naked….even if I posted video of her in a movie naked a few weeks ago…where she is actually topless cuz that’s where her career has gone – lucky for us….cuz I don’t know about you, but as long as I get to see her tit, covered or not….I’m as happy as I can be…which isn’t all that happy….but you get what I’m saying… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Kirsten Dunst Busty Bikini Pics of the Day

Kirsten Dunst on Her Nude Scenes in Melancholia: "Yes, I Do Have Big Boobs"

Danish director Lars von Trier is known for being an, ahem, rather unpleasant man- he refuses to fly, he psychologically tortures his leading ladies ( Nicole Kidman famously once asked him why he hates women), and recently he was banned from the Cannes Film Festival for saying he “understood” Hitler. But you gotta give the man one thing- he finally got Kirsten Dunst to bare her Kirsten cunst. We reported earlier this year that Dunst makes her full-frontal debut in Von Trier’s latest gloom-and-doom masterpiece, Melancholia – you can even catch a faraway glimpse of her totally nude and lying on a rock in the film’s trailer (seen at left). In advance of Melancholia ‘s stateside debut, Kirsten was interviewed by Elle magazine about her experiences filming the movie. Snatchurally, the subject of nudes came up: One of the surprises about Melancholia is Kirsten’s curvaceous body. She is naked in several scenes and as Von Trier refuses any form of retouching or airbrushing, surely it caused some anxiety? ‘I trusted everyone and the lighting was beautiful. I didn’t work out beforehand, it was all very natural. I don’t have any real body issues. I never really overeat, I shed weight in the summer, put it on in the winter and yes, I do have big boobs. People don’t realize because I cover up a lot, but they are there. Big boobs.’ Oh, we’ve realized for years, Kirsten- ever since that skintillating nip slip of yours in Crazy/Beautiful (2001). In other Von Trier nudes, the director has just announced his next project, the titillatingly titled Nymphomaniac . The movie will depict “the sexual evolution of a woman from birth to age 50″, and the always-tactful Dane has already confirmed that “As a cultural radical I can’t make a film about the sexual evolution of a woman from zero to 50 without showing penetration.” Oh, Lars. You’re a kook, but you’re our kind of kook. Members can see all the breast scenes from Lars von Trier ‘s movies, like Bryce Dallas Howard in Manderlay (2005) and Charlotte Gainsbourg in Antichrist (2009)- right here at MrSkin.com!

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Kirsten Dunst on Her Nude Scenes in Melancholia: "Yes, I Do Have Big Boobs"