Tag Archives: klaus-mikaelson

The Originals Season 3 Episode 1 Recap: Yes, Sires

What’s past is prologue. So William Shakespeare wrote in The Tempest. If this is the case, however, the past for Klaus Mikaelson may be the prologue to a very dangerous future, based on The Originals Season 3 Episode 1 at least. After closing one chapter in May, this CW drama opened up a brand new one on Thursday night. Yes, there were still loose ends to tie up from Season 2, namely the fact that Davina is Queen Regent (and having her power challenged by older queens in the Quarter) and also that Hayley is once again under the werewolf curse. The latter proved to be a problem after a company named Kingmakers Inc. bought up all the land in the bayou and hired independent contractors to kill as many wolves as they could find. Once Elijah came across these contractors, he dispatched of them in classic Elijah fashion. But he also found a truckload of dead wolves and wondered if one of them is Hayley. We know it is not because Davina used some kind of spell to summon Hayley and tell her she must do something for her because she can see her daughter. Elsewhere, we met a detective named Will Kinney who sometimes uses Vincent to help with cases that appear supernatural. He also called on Cami (who has been serving as Klaus’ actual psychologist) during the premiere to figure out what’s going on with victims that appears to have been killed by a vampire. But this was the meant of The Originals Season 3 Episode 1: Via flashback, we see that the Mikaelsons (Finn, Kol, Elijah, Klaus and Claire Holt as Rebekah) decide to go undercover as a royal type of family in order to live a “normal” life soon after they are turned. They keep an underling named Lucien alive in order to help them with this guise and he proves to be very useful in offering the family advice on how to lie and how to live in an upper class society. Fast forward many centuries and Lucien shows up in New Orleans. It’s clear right away that he’s a vampire and that Klaus turned him. He warns Klaus that vampires around the world are feuding and they’ve realized that the best way to do away with their rivals is by killing the Original that sired them… because this would take down the entire line. He also hints that there’s some White Oak remaining. After using his psychic to prove his point that trouble is ahead, Lucien claims to be on Klaus’ side. His life is tied to Klaus, after all. But we close the episode by seeing that Lucian is behind Kingmakers Inc. We also cut to a scene in some distant land, where a woman is so disturbed by the news she receives in a letter that she kills the servant who brought it to her. This woman is named Aurora. We met her in the flashback when Klaus and company were undercover, with Lucien saying she a beauty they should stay away from. So, in other words… WTF?!? It’s safe to say we’ll learn a lot more about Aurora and Lucien and this pending danger on The Originals Season 3 Episode 2 . And it’s VERY safe to say we’ll be tuning in to see where this new storyline goes from here. Will you?!?

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The Originals Season 3 Episode 1 Recap: Yes, Sires

The Originals Season 3 Promo: A Family on the Brink

When we last left Klaus Mikaelson and company, they weren't exactly getting along. That's what happens when you curse your baby mama into a wolf and kill your brother's girlfriend. But it looks as if Klaus will need to make up with his family members as quickly as possible on The Originals Season 3 … because a brand new war is about to break out. It will involve the first-ever vampires the Mikaelsons sired, as they touch down in New Orleans, looking to wreak some major havoc. Will Hayley be able to shed her wolf state? Will Elijah forgive Klaus? Will they all “fall,” as Freya eerily predicts in this teaser? Check out the action to come and tune in to The Originals Season 3 Episode 1 on a new night: Thursday, October 8 at 9/8c.

See the original post:
The Originals Season 3 Promo: A Family on the Brink

The CW Unveils Fall Premiere Date Calendar: When Does TVD Return?

Plan your DVR and your fall vacation accordingly, CW fans: The network has come out with its fall premiere date calendar, announcing the returns of many favorites and the debut of two new dramas. When will Damon Salvatore, Oliver Queen, Klaus Mikaelson and company re-enter your living room? Scroll down and find out now! Thursday, October 2 8 p.m. The Vampire Diaries 9 p.m. Reign Monday, October 6 8 p.m. The Originals Tuesday, October 7 8 p.m. The Flash 9 p.m. Supernatural Wednesday, October 8 8 p.m. Arrow 9 p.m. The Flash (Premiere Encore) Monday, October 13 9 p.m. Jane the Virgin Friday, October 17 9 p.m. America’s Next Top Model Wednesday, October 22 9 p.m. The 100

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The CW Unveils Fall Premiere Date Calendar: When Does TVD Return?