Tillman the skateboarding dog takes on the new Tony Hawk: Ride game. I don't care that it's fake, and an obvious marketing attempt on behalf of Activision
Go here to see the original:
Skateboarding Dog Great At Videogames
Tillman the skateboarding dog takes on the new Tony Hawk: Ride game. I don't care that it's fake, and an obvious marketing attempt on behalf of Activision
Go here to see the original:
Skateboarding Dog Great At Videogames
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged dog-takes, gotcha, Hollywood, kotaku, links, mind, mind-blown, obvious-marketing, the-new, the-skateboarding, very-confused
These are the top posts from Wednesday, October 28, 2009. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged finally-unite, give-him, great-big, Hollywood, includes-bonus, items, kotaku, links, mario, top-posts, underneath-the-overalls, watch, wednesday
I mean, I'll try anything once, but this just seems profoundly unpleasant. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged finally-unite, give-him, great-big, Hollywood, includes-bonus, items, kotaku, links, mario, underneath-the-overalls, watch
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged finally-unite, give-him, great-big, heartwarming, Hollywood, kotaku, links, mario, overalls, underneath-the-overalls, watch
I love that movie. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged Hollywood, kotaku, links, mario, overalls, underneath-the-overalls
For those of you perverts who always wondered what Mario looked like underneath the overalls. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged Hollywood, kotaku, links, mario, overalls, underneath-the-overalls
One of the most hilarious piece of gossip this morning is that Kurt Cobain is apparently an unlockable character in Guitar Hero now, and his widow, the ever-screaming, ocassionally lucid Courtney Love took no time to start screaming rape and murder on Twitter: “we get NO money for this, travesty, Frances gets NO money for the rape.” So I took the time to look up how Kurt Cobain is being raped on Guitar Hero, and turns out he looks very much like himself, a little less suicidal, and fairly decent actually: A little high maybe, but no Courtney Love, not raped. But mind you, this is Courtney Love, the woman who was once married to our dear Guitar Hero Kurt Cobain before he killed himself: So I guess I can understand the rape sentiment on Kurt Cobain’s part. Your life must have been hard bro, RIP.
Read more from the original source:
Kurt Cabain is the Guitar Hero who was raped for free
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff, Music
Tagged cobain, courtney, fully-playable, Game, kotaku, life, morning, once-married, white, widow, woman
In the wake of Courtney Love’s bombastic vitriol over the appearance of her late husband in Guitar Hero 5, Activision tells Kotaku that she was the one who signed the agreement for the deal. “Guitar Hero secured the necessary licensing rights from the Cobain estate in a written agreement signed by Courtney Love to use Kurt Cobain’s likeness as a fully playable character in Guitar Hero 5,” Activision told Kotaku today. Last night Love posted on her Twitter account that she and Cobain’s Estate were going to sue “the shit out of Activision”.
Read more:
Activision: Courtney Love Signed Cobain Contract for Guitar Hero 5 UPDATE
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff, Music
Tagged activision, agreement, appearance, back-the-tank, better-avatar, check-the-jump, cobain, courtney, developers, fully-playable, Game, guitar, kotaku, record, white
Andy Rooney went to Fairway to talk about fruit for two minutes.
Read the rest here:
Andy Rooney Goes Fruit Shopping
Posted in Celebrities
Tagged believe-it-took, classy, fairway, France, gosselin-spotted, kotaku, links, networks, Reality Show, save-the-networks, the-end, warming, warming-glow