Tag Archives: large-hadron

Fermilab hot on trail of Higgs boson with LHC, Tevatron


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Today physicists at CERN on the CMS and ATLAS experiments at the Large Hadron Collider announced an update on their search for the Higgs boson. That may make you wonder ( I hope) what is Fermilab’s role in this. Well, glad you asked. Fermilab supports the 1,000 US LHC scientists and engineers by providing office and Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : US LHC Blog Discovery Date : 12/12/2011 21:21 Number of articles : 2

Fermilab hot on trail of Higgs boson with LHC, Tevatron

Large Hadron Collider makes New Discovery!

We have an LHC update. Scientists at the Large Hadron Collider(LHC) reported on Tuesday that they have discovered a previously unobserved phenomenon during one of the routine collisions. The resulting … http://bit.ly/a1uJ0E added by: itgrunts

50,000,000 GB of Data Recorded by Large Hadron Collider

We all are well aware of the Large Hadron Collider which physicists and astronomers expect will answer the most basic questions about the universe and how matter came .. http://bit.ly/dqyFUp added by: itgrunts

Yikes! Man from the future arrested at Large Hadron Collider

A man has been arrested at the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland who made claims that he was from the future. A potential … http://itgrunts.com/2010/06/02/yikes-man-from-the-future-arrested-at-large-hadro… added by: itgrunts

Stephen Hawking’s Time Machine Instructable

Link: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/mosli… It's super easy – all you need is a Large Hadron Collider-style spaceship that travels 2,000 times faster than we've ever traveled before. Also, we can't travel into the past because of paradoxes – i.e., we would've known if we could travel into the past because it would've already happened in the future (duh). I guess we're all already traveling into the future, technically, but this would be a way to do it faster. ( Via .) Read

Horse Gets Revenge

Since when did little girls start hating horses? Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Large Hadron Collider May Create Extradimensional Doors

Link: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/11/… Large Hadron Collider (LHC) may create doors to other dimensions, according to Sergio Bertolucci, who is Director for Research and Scientific Computing at CERN

See original here:
Large Hadron Collider May Create Extradimensional Doors

Giraffe Crashes Dinner

Looks like somebody's sticking their neck where it doesn't belong. Considering the slim chances of finding a vegetarian dinner party, it seems this fella has hit the jackpot.

See the article here:
Giraffe Crashes Dinner

Whisper Chain Leads to Record Setting Marriage Proposal

A New York man used over 50 people to tell his love he wanted to be with her forever in a way that may be remembered forever. “A New York Man” = Me! Go figure.

The rest is here:
Whisper Chain Leads to Record Setting Marriage Proposal

Tiger Woods Distracted On Fairway

About 12 seconds in, Tiger Woods gets a little surprise from someone near the microphone. [ Editor's Note : And for better or for worse, the Tiger Woods fart is, like the biggest news in golf right now .

See the original post here:
Tiger Woods Distracted On Fairway