Tag Archives: latino-coalition

Metal Gear Solid vs Power Rangers

GameTrailers.com user movie of the week. AkiraWing takes action figure warefare to a whole new level. The stealth tactics of Solid Snake clashes with the flashy combat of the Power Rangers. ————————————– Solid Snake accepts his latest assignment which has him training the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers in how to sneak and infiltrate Lord Zedd's fortress. It is being guarded by Vulcan Raven and unfortunately their current Zords are unequipped to handle anything besides stealth and cunning, which the Rangers are not entirely adept at. added by: zeroalias

Make Poop

Ok i was looking around and found this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7ryICK5Ee8&feature=player_embedded I just had to post it so let me know what Ya'll think added by: bailey78

Libertarian US Senate Candidate Dr Mike Beitler At Latino Coalition On Immigration

8/15/2010 Dr Mike Beitler appears at the Latino Coalition in North Carolina http://www.conservativedeclaration.com/2010/08/libertarian-us-senate-candidate-d… added by: shanklinmike