Tag Archives: latino

Ellie Goulding Announces 2013 Halcyon Days Tour

Monthlong tour kicks off in January in Miami before making stops across North America. By Jocelyn Vena Ellie Goulding Photo: Getty Images

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Ellie Goulding Announces 2013 Halcyon Days Tour

‘Paranormal Activity’ Double Trouble: Two New Films Coming In 2013

The series’ fifth film will debut in October 2013 after a Latino spin-off in the Spring. By Kevin P. Sullivan Kathryn Newton in “Paranormal Activity 4” Photo: Paramount Pictures

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‘Paranormal Activity’ Double Trouble: Two New Films Coming In 2013

For Discussion: Is Disney’s First Latina Princess ‘Sofia’ Diverse Enough?

You be the judge. According to CNN , there’s a sense of disapproval in the Latino community that’s similar to what African Americans felt when Tiana (Princess and the Frog) debuted: Disney’s first Latina princess, featured in the movie “Sofia the First: Once Upon A Princess” has received backlash as well as support from the media outlets, especially the Latino community. Is Disney’s new princess a milestone for Latinos or a culturally irrelevant character? Disney’s spokeswoman provided a recent statement to CNN to help clarify what exactly makes “Princess Sofia” Latina: “The range of characters in ‘Sofia the First’ — and the actors who play them — are a reflection of Disney’s commitment to diverse, multicultural and inclusive storytelling, and the wonderful early reaction to ‘Sofia’ affirms that commitment. In the story, Sofia’s mother, Queen Miranda, was born in a fictitious land, Galdiz, a place with Latin influences. Miranda met Sofia’s father, Birk Balthazar, who hailed from the kingdom of Freezenberg, and together they moved to Enchancia, where Sofia was born.” “Sofia the First” is a television movie and series set to debut November 18 on the Disney Channel and Disney Junior, aimed at children ages 2-7. Sofia is a regular little girl whose life changes when her mother marries the king. Ariel Winter from “Modern Family” will voice Sofia and Sara Ramirez from “Grey’s Anatomy” will voice Queen Miranda. When news first hit in December 2011 that Disney was going to introduce their new and much younger princess, there was no mention of Sofia’s Latina background, let alone that her mother was from “a place with Latin influences” until this week. Yet this week, Disney announced that Sofia was indeed Latina. During a press tour, a blogger asked why Sofia’s mother, Miranda, had a darker complexion than her mother, leading to the big announcement of the Hispanic background: “She is Latina,” said Jamie Mitchell, Disney’s executive producer, during a press tour to Entertainment Weekly in an article published on Tuesday. According the the vice president of Disney Junior original programming, “We never actually call it out.” “It’s sort of a matter-of-fact situation rather than an overt thing.” However, this isn’t the first time there is controversy surrounding one of Disney’s princesses. In 2009, “The Princess and the Frog” received criticism from parents and the media for being set in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, it’s voodoo references and Disney’s first African-American princess, Tiana, falling in love with a Caucasian prince. Most agree Princess Tiana was a step in the right direction but many said there was still work to be done. Some Latinos applauded Disney’s new milestone and welcomed her with open arms on Twitter stating, “#Disney comes out with its first “#Latina Princess.” Its about time. It is 2012. #Hispanics” and “#Disney finally comes out with a #Latina princess” Some criticized what they saw as a lack of cultural signifiers or ethnic identity in the Sofia character. “If Disney were truly to finally step out and directly cater to the Latino community that has been crying out for decades for a Latina princess to represent our girls,” said Ana Flores, blogger for Spanglishbaby, “She would be as Latina as Tiana is black or as Pocahontas is Indian-American.” What do you think about Disney’s portrayal of ethnic characters? Images via facebook

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For Discussion: Is Disney’s First Latina Princess ‘Sofia’ Diverse Enough?

Rosie Perez Slams Romney "It Would Be Helpful to be Latino" Comment

While Mitt Romney’s “47 percent” remark became a campaign land mine for the Republican this fall, another quote from that same viral video has been largely ignored. Until now, if Rosie Perez has anything to say about it. Easier as a Latino? (Rosie Perez Ad) The actress just recorded an ad for a Democratic PAC focusing on Romney joking that if his Mexican-born father had had Mexican parents, he would “have a better shot at winning this.” “I say that jokingly,” the candidate added, “But it would be helpful to be Latino.” The ad cuts from the laughter of Romney donors to Perez’s own laughter. “Hispanics represent 17 percent of the population and account for less than 2 percent of all elected and appointed officials. The advantage is obvious,” she says, sarcastically. She then goes on to mockingly name the U.S.’s Latino presidents (Jorge Washington, Jorge Bush, etc.) and generally makes fun of Mitt for being rich. That’s about it. Romney and President Barack Obama square off Tuesday in the second of three presidential debates . If that latter doesn’t show up this time, no ads are going to help. Decision 2012 :   Obama-Biden Romney-Ryan View Poll »

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Rosie Perez Slams Romney "It Would Be Helpful to be Latino" Comment

Money Mitt Ain’t Isht: Now He Says He’s For 100% Of Americans?!?!

100% our azz… Mitt’s trying to clean up his controversial “47%” comments aired in an undercover vid we showed you earlier this week. Problem is, he just keeps digging himself into a deeper grave! The Repub candidate tried to redeem himself tonight, but it fell on deaf ears. During a live forum on Univisions “Meet the Candidate”, Mitt had this to say in disguise as an apology for insulting those who “feel entitled” to health care, food, and housing: “My campaign is about the 100 percent of America, and I’m concerned about them…I know I’m not going to get 100 percent of the vote, and my campaign will focus on those people we can think we can bring in to support me…”But this is a campaign about helping people that need help.” B*tch please. The “forum” was also Mitt’s chance to address the Latino community that he’s struggling to win over. Robney was asked serious questions on immigration, the main focus of the night, and gave his usual aloof answers when it came to self-deportation, the Dream Act, and undocumented immigrants (or illegal immigrants as he likes to call them). Mitt’s solution to that “little” problem; veto the Dream Act and encourage “self-deportation”, which basically causes “attrition through enforcement,”; making life so difficult that “they” would choose to leave. SMH Refusing to give a solid answer on the problem, Mitt dodged the questions left and right. “I’m not in favor of a mass-deportation effort, rounding up 12 million people and taking them out of the country…I believe people make their own choices as to whether they want to go home and that’s what I mean by ‘self-deportation.’” Oh ok…now we get it. According to The Huffington Post: Romney has been evasive on how he would deal with undocumented immigrants currently living in the country. Obama has said he would support giving some immigrants legal status if they meet certain requirements, including paying a fine. Romney has refused to say whether he would end Obama’s new deferred action policy that removes the deportation risk faced by some undocumented young people who would be helped by the Dream Act. Romney was repeatedly pressed to say whether he would end the policy, but only said he doesn’t need to answer because he would fix the issue through legislation. That was no comfort to many immigration advocates, who know the difficulties of passing immigration legislation in Congress. “Are you going to deport them or not? Yes or no?” Salinas asked Romney, as translated to English by Univision. “We’re not going to round up people around the country and deport them, that’s not — I said during my primary campaign, time and again, we’re not going to round up 12 million people … and have them deported. Our system isn’t to deport people.” Salinas pressed on. “That’s your answer, that you’re going to allow them to stay?” she asked. “I’m not going to be rounding people up and deporting them out of the country, we’re going to put in place a permanent solution,” Romney replied. Robney’s on a sinking ship and no amount of SOS’ are going to get us to throw this idiot a life jacket. Images via Facebook/WENN

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Money Mitt Ain’t Isht: Now He Says He’s For 100% Of Americans?!?!

Hoy In Mi Gente News: White Population Growing Because More Latinos Check White On Census

Damn the ‘Tino’s are selling out. SMH. The Ethnicity vs. Race issue is rearing up again thanks to the latest census data which shows whites are up by 6% thanks to Latinos who identify as such. The white population in the U.S. is growing – thanks to Hispanics. So say the latest census figures, which found a big jump in the number of Hispanics who listed themselves as white on the 2010 census forms. Those forms specifically stated that Hispanic is an ethnicity, not a race. The result was a sudden six percent increase in white Americans. “It really surprises me, that is a significant shift,” said Claudio Remeseira, a Columbia University professor and editor of “Hispanic New York: A Sourcebook.” “In general, most Latinos tend to think of themselves as white. But the issue of how Latinos identify themselves by race has always been complicated.” For example, most Dominican immigrants – even dark-skinned Dominicans – would say they are white “because they have historically perceived themselves as not black” like their neighbors in Haiti, Remeseira said. In all, the number of people in the “white alone” category jumped by 12.1 million over the last decade to 223.6 million, the census showed. Whites now represent 72% of the U.S. population and account for nearly half of the total population increase since 2000. Take out the Hispanics, however, and whites account for 64% of the population, according to the figures. They were 69% of the population just a decade ago. Hispanics continue to be the nation’s fastest growing group. The percentage that identified themselves as white jumped in the past decade from 48% to 53%. The portion that marked “some other race” dropped from 42% to 37%. Also, for the first time, the largest group of multiracial Americans are like President Obama – half black, half white. “There is no question that racial lines are blurring in the United States, said William Frey, a demographer at the Brookings Institution. “Strong gains in interracial marriages and higher mixed-race identification among youth suggest that past racial categories will need to be radically changed or even dispensed with in the next two or three decades.” This race business is so tricky isn’t it? And crazy how the Haiti vs. DR issue immediately comes up. Do you see nothing wrong with Latinos identifying as White, or do you think it’s just plain ol’ denial? Source

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Hoy In Mi Gente News: White Population Growing Because More Latinos Check White On Census

Jenna Jameson nude on radio

Jenna Jameson nude is enough for any red blooded man to go weak at the knees and here she is showing off her sexy body in this video clip Continue reading

Salma Hayek being kissed topless

Salma is a pretty amazing Latino actress and one that we wish was in every film because her gorgeous breasts are definitely worth checking out Continue reading

N.O.R.E.: Rappers Fabolous & Juelz Lack Latino Pride [VIDEO]

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feels some kind of way about Fabolous being the number five rapper on VladTV’s 50 Most Influential Latino Rappers Of All Time list. N.O.R.E., the number seven pick, thinks that the only rappers that should be eligible are those that go hard for their spanish heritage.  Watch as he discusses his fellow African American/Latino rappers Fabolous, Juelz Santana , and more. 12 Black Couples Who Make It Last [PHOTOS] Chrissy Lampkin Fights Juelz Santana’s Baby Mother?

N.O.R.E.: Rappers Fabolous & Juelz Lack Latino Pride [VIDEO]

N.O.R.E.: Rappers Fabolous & Juelz Lack Latino Pride [VIDEO]

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feels some kind of way about Fabolous being the number five rapper on VladTV’s 50 Most Influential Latino Rappers Of All Time list. N.O.R.E., the number seven pick, thinks that the only rappers that should be eligible are those that go hard for their spanish heritage.  Watch as he discusses his fellow African American/Latino rappers Fabolous, Juelz Santana , and more. 12 Black Couples Who Make It Last [PHOTOS] Chrissy Lampkin Fights Juelz Santana’s Baby Mother?

N.O.R.E.: Rappers Fabolous & Juelz Lack Latino Pride [VIDEO]