Source: Ian Gavan / Getty Spike Lee Blasts Gucci & Prada For Not Having Enough Black Designers Spike Lee said he will no longer wear Prada or Gucci until the fashion houses “hire some black designers.” According to USAToday , the Oscar-nominated director announced via Instagram that he wasn’t rocking with Gucci after word of the blackface controversy spread. Prada is still recovering after it was flame broiled for an accessories collection that featured a dark-colored monkey with bright red, oversized lips as a figurine, a racist caricature popularized during the Jim Crow era. Prada issued an apology and eventually pulled the design from all online stores. Earlier this week Gucci wanted to learn the hard way, the Italian fashion label announced it would stop selling a black balaclava sweater that evoked blackface imagery. The piece of clothing featured an oversized collar that could be pulled over the wearer’s mouth; the collar included a mouth slit that was framed with giant red lips. “I, Spike Lee Of Sound Mind And Body Will No Longer Wear Prada Or Gucci Until They Hire Some Black Designers To Be In Da Room When It Happens,” the filmmaker director wrote on Instagram. “It’s Obvious To Da Peoples That They Don’t Have A Clue When It Comes To Racist, Blackface Hateful Imagery. WAKE UP. Ya-Dig?
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Do The Right Thing: Spike Lee Calls For A Boycott Of Gucci & Prada Until Both Brands Hire Black Designers