Tag Archives: least-somewhat

Rasmussen Finds Most ‘Angry’ with Liberal, Pro-Obama Media

A new Rasmussen Reports survey finds most Americans (51%) say the average reporter is more liberal than they are, and nearly as many (48%) think the media are “are trying to help”  President Obama pass his left-wing agenda. Perhaps as a result, the poll finds an astonishing two-thirds of the public (66%) say they are angry with the media, “including 33% who are very angry” with the press. Most Americans seem to have a low view of journalists’ integrity and professionalism. Rasmussen discovered that “68% say most reporters when covering a political campaign try to help the candidate they want to win,” vs. 23% who think most reporters “try to offer unbiased coverage.” At the same time, “54% of voters think most reporters would hide any information they uncovered that might hurt a candidate they wanted to win, up seven points from November 2008.” Rasmussen also discovered that Republicans and independents are most offended by the media, with a plurality of Democrats (43%) who “say their coverage is unbiased.” This new poll is consistent with many others from the past decade showing rising discontent with the press and a growing awareness of the media’s liberal bias. The Media Research Center has posted a collection of relevant polls — along with polls of journalists showing how their views differ from the general public — on our “ Media Bias 101 ” page. Here’s an excerpt from the June 15 report by Rasmussen, based on their poll of 1,000 likely voters conducted on Sunday and Monday (June 13-14). Sixty-six percent (66%) of U.S. voters describe themselves as at least somewhat angry at the media, including 33% who are very angry…. Now 48% of voters think most reporters when they write or talk about President Obama are trying to help the president pass his agenda. Only 18% think most reporters are trying to block the president from passing his agenda. Twenty-seven percent (27%) say they are simply interested in reporting the news in an unbiased manner…. Fifty-one percent (51%) say the average reporter is more liberal than they are, consistent with earlier findings on the question. Fifteen percent (15%) say the average reporter is more conservative than they are, while 27% say the average reporter shares roughly the same ideological views that they have…. Seventy-six percent (76%) of GOP voters and 56% of unaffiliateds think most reporters are trying to help Obama pass his agenda. Among Democrats, 33% say they are trying to block the president’s agenda, while 43% say their coverage is unbiased. Just 15% of Democrats say most reporters are trying to help the president. You can read the entire report here .

Go here to read the rest:
Rasmussen Finds Most ‘Angry’ with Liberal, Pro-Obama Media

Religion Blogger Shreds Newsweek’s Take on ‘Saint Sarah’ Palin

“You have been weighed in the balances and found wanting.” That’s how the biblical prophet Daniel interpreted the writing on the wall that heralded the imminent demise of the Babylonian Empire. It could also sum up journalist Sarah Pulliam Bailey’s take on Lisa Miller’s “Saint Sarah” piece in Newsweek (emphases mine): Journalists have long been puzzled over Sarah Palin’s popularity. In November, Newsweek took a stab at the trend with its provocative cover of Palin in running clothes: “How Do You Solve a Problem Like Sarah Palin: How Sarah Palin Hurts the GOP And the Country.” Lisa Miller’s thesis is compelling if it is true, but journalists usually rely on hard facts, polls, maybe interviews with political scientists to prove their points. Unfortunately, Miller’s article contains none of these to support her theory that Palin is somehow the new leader of the Christian Right. Instead, she strings together a bunch of anecdotes and quotes to prove what she thinks is happening.   Pulliam Bailey devoted most of her June 14 Get Religion blog post to fisking Miller’s argument. Here’s just a sample (emphases are the author’s): The story leads with Palin’s classic story of how she decided to give birth to her son Trig. Palin has already overshared: nothing makes a person, let alone a politician, appear more vulnerable, more ordinary, and more unambiguously female than a scene in a bathroom where she pees on a stick. But then she defies a generation of pro-life activists who preached that the life of the fetus is sacred, no matter what an individual woman wants. Is there any indication that Palin doesn’t think the fetus is sacred? Lots of women who chose to give birth give testimonies about their decision-making process. Is she actually defying other activists? Let’s face it: the Trig story is a women’s story, the kind girlfriends share over coffee or in church. It has all the familiar elements of evangelical testimony: tribulation and dread; trust in God; and, finally, great blessings. Many Christian women loathe Palin , Who? Why? of course, and many men love her, Who? Why? but a certain kind of conservative, Bible-believing woman worships her. Who? Is it only Bible-believing women who worship her? And really? Worships her? To a smaller number, she is a prophet, ordained by God for a special role in the cosmic battle against the forces of evil . What forces of evil? Who thinks she was ordained by God? Does this smaller number think the political arena is the cosmic battle? Perhaps the biggest failure on Miller’s part? Pulliam Bailey notes that Miller insisted that Palin has her faults, but the left is partially to blame for her ascent. Its native mistrust of religion, of conservative believers in particular, left the gap that Palin now fills. The GetReligion.org writer then argued that, “Perhaps Miller should have spent more time writing about this part of the story. It would be more compelling to read more about the left’s mistrust of religion that left a gap.” Given Newsweek’s cutesy take on “Saint Sarah,” it was only fitting that an analysis critical of it should end with a biblical allusion. Pulliam Bailey didn’t disappoint with the observation that the financially-struggling magazine is intent on “making Palin in its own image”: If Palin is really leading the religious right, has anyone captured photo evidence of Palin’s flock? The accompanying slideshow , titled “Cult of Palin,” features Palin condoms, porn movies and strip clubs. The slideshow does nothing to back Miller’s thesis about Palin’s new found leadership of the religious right. Maybe that’s because Newsweek is making Palin in its own image.

Continued here:
Religion Blogger Shreds Newsweek’s Take on ‘Saint Sarah’ Palin

Brent Bozell Reacts to Americans’ Heightened Anger with the Media

Managing Editor’s Note: The following is a statement that NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell released earlier today. Americans have spoken and they are livid with the media. A new Rasmussen poll found an astonishing two thirds of American voters are at least somewhat angry at the media, including an entire one third who said they are ‘very angry.’ That’s disturbing but unfortunately, not surprising. The liberal media lost touch with the public and fair reporting long ago, and Americans are sick of their lavish praise for a President that is leading our country and economy into a disastrous state. The American people are abandoning the old media by the millions because they are simply fed up.” Now is the time for the national, so-called “news” media to Tell The Truth! and report the facts. The American people are furious and are demanding answers.

Continued here:
Brent Bozell Reacts to Americans’ Heightened Anger with the Media

Shenae Grimes Decides To Tart It Up

I think that 90210’s Shenae Grimes has finally realized that nobody watches her stupid show and if she wants to stay at least somewhat relevant she’s going to need to tart it up. Here she is out over the weekend walking the streets in her sexy stockings and perky little boobs. At least I think they’re perky, I can barely see them. I’m just kidding, I don’t give a crap that her boobs are just nipples, she’s cute and and she’s basically just wearing a giant t-shirt and some stocking