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The Bachelor Spoilers 2013: Sean Lowe Final Four Revealed!

It’s that time of year again! Not for The Bachelor – that’s still two months away – but for The Bachelor spoilers that annually give away major details before the season even starts! Woo hoo! What can we expect from the 2013, 17th season of ABC’s not-at-all-scripted guilty pleasure, starring Bachelorette finalist Sean Lowe? Read on to find out! The man, the myth, the Bachelor spoilers legend Reality Steve has done it again. The constant thorn in Mike Fleiss’ side has Sean’s final four and more! Who are the lucky ladies? Follow the jump for photos and details … In alphabetical order by first name, Sean Lowe ‘s top four are: AshLee Frazier! Yes, which the capital “L” in the middle. Obviously. She’s 32 years old and hails from Houston, TX. AshLee is a Personal Organizer for “Love It! Organized.” Her dad Bruce Frazier, is a pastor. Good fit for Sean! Catherine Giudici! From Seattle, she’s a Visual Designer at Amazon. Desiree Hartsock! A fashion designer for Serenity Bridal in Newport Beach, Calif., she likes riding horses, according to Steve. That’s always nice. Lindsay Yenter! She’s from Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. What do you think, based on the cheesey ABC head shots? Does Sean have good taste? We’ll post more information and details as they become available. Sean Lowe’s hometown dates with these four ladies were filmed October 27-November 1, with the rose ceremony cutting the field to three last Friday. The final three are now in Thailand for overnight dates and the final rose ceremony. It’s unclear as of now who made the final three, but when we know, so will you. Who do you think will be Sean Lowe’s final pick of the four ladies left? And are you excited to see him as The Bachelor? Share your comments below!

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The Bachelor Spoilers 2013: Sean Lowe Final Four Revealed!