Taylor Swift was seen on what could be a date because I guess her marketing team don’t like the lesbian rumors, even though all girls are lesbians it is a trend, pussy eating is acceptable, even popstars do it… I just think she’s so fucking calculated, that’s why she’s masterminded the world into feeling sorry for her, relating to her, and she’s been able to be pop, country, and whatever in between…selling albums to people of all ages…when it all lacks authenticity…but America doesn’t care about Authenticity… I also think she’s so fucking rich, famous, powerful in her own celebrity, that she can control everyone around her, from men to models she makes her personal barbie dolls, to people on TV she wants to have spend time with her…. There is evil that comes with Taylor swift…I don’t know what it is…because I don’t care enough to really dig into it…but I do know one thing that’s for sure…she’s got awesome legs…and as annoying or calculated and contrived she is…they can’t take those away from her, unless of course she’s in a horrible accident or something… Either way – here’s to boyfriend rumors…
Read the original here:
Taylor Swift’s Legs and a Beard of the Day