Tag Archives: like-breaking

Sam Riley on Brighton Rock and His Arduous Trip On the Road

Back in 2007, Sam Riley burst on the scene with a starmaking performance in the critically acclaimed film Control . Poised to be the latest hot British import to invade U.S. shores, Riley followed Control up with two intriguing-on-paper titles — Franklyn with Ryan Phillippe and Eva Green and 13 opposite Ray Winstone, Mickey Rourke, Jason Statham, Michael Shannon and Alexander Skarsgaard. The rest, as they say, is history — though maybe not the kind Riley initially envisioned.

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Sam Riley on Brighton Rock and His Arduous Trip On the Road

That’s When Megan Fox Went Swimming With Jason Segel and Chris O’Dowd

Here at Movieline HQ , we’ve been holding out hope that the untitled Judd Apatow continuation/quasi-sequel to Knocked Up (which has been filming with the working title of This Is Forty ) will feature a comeback performance from the terminally maligned Megan Fox. No word yet whether that will happen — despite co-star Paul Rudd singing her praises last week — but at least Fox is having fun on the set. Over the weekend she posted a picture of herself and co-stars Jason Segel and Chris O’D owd mugging for the camera in a swimming pool. Moviemaking! Just like breaking rocks! Click through for the pic.

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That’s When Megan Fox Went Swimming With Jason Segel and Chris O’Dowd