Her name is Julie Bowen, I’ve never heard of her, she’s on a show called Modern Family, I don’t watch TV, so I’ve never seen the show and these pictures of her in a bikini don’t really excite me enough to find a TV to watch, because whenever I do have to watch a show, like the Oscars, I always end up at my weird older neighbor’s couch because he enjoys the company, never says know but smells like urine and feces and is a lot of work to deal with, cuz dude’s got serious fucking issues, like spontaneous erections he feels the need to show off to me and freakouts that involve him screaming at his reflection in the window in another language or really obscure conversations about really inappropriate shit like raping women in his youth and the time he fucked his neighbor’s dog to death cuz it wouldn’t stop barking and a whole lot of other shit I wish was a lie, even though you could make a pretty funny movie on him. Needless to say, I try my best to avoid the shit….and this Julie Bowen isn’t really making me want to put up with bullshit, even though I have a thing for older ladies in bikinis and spend half my day on Facebook trying to find 40 year old mom’s to fuck, but Bowen’s not quite where I need her to be to put up with bullshit to watch her in action, but since I have no standards and you probably don’t either, we might as well look at pictures of her in a bikini, cuz let’s face it, there’s no much else goin’ on today… Pics via PacificCoastNews

Continued here:
Julie Bowen Bikini Pictures of the Day
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hot Stuff, Sex
Tagged Facebook, Hollywood, julie, language, like-the-oscars, modern, neighbor, Pictures, time, youth