Tag Archives: live-the-rich

Girl Gives Her Friend a Wedgie on a Swing of the Day

Girls are such bitches. So catty and out to get each other. Even best friends will fuck each other up, if it means comin’ out on top. I blame our animal kingdom genetic code of girls craving to be top bitch that all the dudes want to impregnate, you know fighting for the golden cum, makes them disloyal to each other…and to the dudes they are dating…cuz the second a better one comes a long, they shut it down and move on, it’s all part of them having no soul. This video is also one ofthe reasons I tell girls they should never wear underwear, because underwear are a liability. Sure, underwear protects pants from getting smeared up by pussies, forcing a bitch to wash her pants more than she otherwise would. But it also gets in the way of fingering a bitch on the dancefloor, or really anywhere….underwear creates a breeding ground for yeast infections, especially the cheap underwear the bitches I hang with wear, and when in skirts, pussy flashes become far less exciting when there’s a fucking wall of fabric blocking out the meat…. Not to mention, your cunt friends can wedgie you on a swing and put it on the internet…and no one wants that…even if wedgies can feel kinda nice against your clit.

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Girl Gives Her Friend a Wedgie on a Swing of the Day

Jack Nicklaus’ Grandson Nick O’Leary Survives Motorcycle Crash of the Day

This is the video from the bus thatgolfer Jack Nicklaus’ grandson’s bike slammed into after he was in a crazy fucking motorcycle accident that didn’t end in death. It didn’t even end in serious injury… it just looks fucking horrible…he was thrown 100 feet…. Maybe he’s got super powers…or maybe it is some illuminati protecting the rich shit….or maybe he’s just lucky as fuck. Not only does he live the rich kid college life, fucking all the hot college coeds, but he also survives accidents and that make him even more appealing to the hot college coeds he’s already getting making me think he probably did this on purpose for the fame, glory and most importantly the pussy. It reminds me of the time I drove my car into a hot bitch’s car in efforts to get her name and number by pretending it was an “accident”…or the time I ran a girl on a bike off the road, so I’d have an excuse to take her to the hospital and spend time with her, or even the time I threw myself down the stairs in front of a babe, in efforts to get her to see if I was okay as I was bleeding out of my ears and suffering some Natasha Richardson brain trauma….only a way better executed.

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Jack Nicklaus’ Grandson Nick O’Leary Survives Motorcycle Crash of the Day

Kourtney Kardashian Bikini for US Weekly of the Day

Kourtney Kardashian is part of the cancer on society that is the Kardashians….a gang of rich kids from an uninteresting family who are made to look interesting even thought they do absolutely nothing for society that take up space and consume…. For some reason, I don’t understand, people flock to their bullshit..because I guess it is on TV and people are bored as shit….but I would have thought as society developed we’d be over this blip in pop culture that is celebrating garbage just because it has money and goes to exclusive events… I mean how can seeing rich people live the rich life….pretending to be busy when really just lazy slops be interesting? Cuz of an interracial marriage or two? Cuz of out of wedlock babies? I mean they are garbage and people need to recognize that….even if they are bored, depressed and in the middle of no where….change the channel…there are better things to watch with more substance than this…even Honey Boo Boo is a step up….. But here’s the “hot one” in her bikini for US Weekly….even though she’s not that hot….I feel like these magazines work for these assholes.. To See The Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Kourtney Kardashian Bikini for US Weekly of the Day