Tag Archives: royalty-checks

Ray J Honors Tupac Shakur, Dances with Hologram

Ray J made a point to remember Tupac Shakur in his own unique way on Tuesday. The man behind the camera (and his fellow participant) in the Kim Kardashian sex tape paid tribute to the later rapper (who would have turned 44 years old yesterday) by dancing with the same Tupac hologram that appeared years back at Coachella. Ray J was able to do so at the Hologram USA showroom, according to TMZ, who notes that anyone can get down with this phony version of Tupac at no charge. That's sort of cool… we guess. What else does Ray J have to do these days anyway, aside from pick up Kim Kardashian Superstar royalty checks? Watch the unexpected dancing duet now.

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Ray J Honors Tupac Shakur, Dances with Hologram

Kourtney Kardashian Bikini for US Weekly of the Day

Kourtney Kardashian is part of the cancer on society that is the Kardashians….a gang of rich kids from an uninteresting family who are made to look interesting even thought they do absolutely nothing for society that take up space and consume…. For some reason, I don’t understand, people flock to their bullshit..because I guess it is on TV and people are bored as shit….but I would have thought as society developed we’d be over this blip in pop culture that is celebrating garbage just because it has money and goes to exclusive events… I mean how can seeing rich people live the rich life….pretending to be busy when really just lazy slops be interesting? Cuz of an interracial marriage or two? Cuz of out of wedlock babies? I mean they are garbage and people need to recognize that….even if they are bored, depressed and in the middle of no where….change the channel…there are better things to watch with more substance than this…even Honey Boo Boo is a step up….. But here’s the “hot one” in her bikini for US Weekly….even though she’s not that hot….I feel like these magazines work for these assholes.. To See The Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Kourtney Kardashian Bikini for US Weekly of the Day

Rihanna’s Model Pose in a Tight Dress of the Day

Rihanna launched a clothing line…because that’s the life of a celebrity…you know serial “entrepreneurs” involved in any type of business they want….because all they have to do is attach their name to the shit…and collect royalty checks while actual business people run it…I mean her involvement is nothing more than spending the money it makes on her lavish lifestyle…and pretending to wear the clothes cuz it makes her money…This should offend any actual fashion designer trying to make it – Rihanna just did it better than you…with no training….sucks to be you. Here’s a video about her launch via the UK…. The funniest thing is that she showed up an hour late because she doesn’t give a fuck about the line and has nothing to do with the line….or setting up the show….even when they ask her about it she’s dropping bullshit lines and catch phrases she was told to say….cuz she’d rather be home napping…but part of the deal is this make believe shit… I am only into it cuz she’s not wearing a bra…..Here’s the collection via the Telegraph…. Next stop for Rihanna getting choked out by her baby daddy….on their wedding day…..

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Rihanna’s Model Pose in a Tight Dress of the Day