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Why is the UN silent on Qaddafi ties and crimes?


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From UN Watch: [ Download ] The head of the London School of Economics has resigned over his ties to the Qaddafi regime. Rock stars Beyonce, Nelly Furtado and Mariah Carey have expressed remorse for their paid peformances at Qaddafi family parties. Former Egyptian minister of culture Gaber Asfour renounced his 2010 “Gaddafi International Award for Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Vlad Tepes Discovery Date : 04/03/2011 20:35 Number of articles : 2

Why is the UN silent on Qaddafi ties and crimes?

Pakistan and The Taliban, Sitting In A Tree

A new report issued by the London School of Economics has claimed that Pakistan’s intelligence agency is not only funding and training Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan, but also that it also holds sway in the insurgency’s leadership council. The assertion that Pakistan’s “Inter-Services Intelligence” has ties to the Taliban is not new, but the scope of the relationship, the report’s author claims, could be damaging as the U.S. continues to court Pakitsan’s support. —JCL The LA Times: Pakistan’s powerful intelligence agency not only funds and trains Taliban insurgents fighting U.S. and NATO troops in Afghanistan, but also maintains its own representation on the insurgency’s leadership council, claims a new report issued by the London School of Economics. Assertions that Pakistan’s intelligence agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence, continues to nurture links with the Afghan Taliban are not new. But the scope of that relationship claimed by the report’s author, Matt Waldman, is startling and could prove damaging to the fragile alliance Washington is trying to foster with Pakistan, its military establishment, and its weak civilian government led by President Asif Ali Zardari. Waldman, a fellow at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, based his assertions on interviews with nine Afghan Taliban commanders as well as with Afghan and Western security officials. The report claims that it is official Pakistan governmental policy to support the Taliban’s insurgency in Afghanistan, and that the ISI has a strong voice on the Quetta Shura, the Afghan Taliban’s leadership council, named after the southern Pakistani city believed to serve as the council’s haven. Read more Related Entries June 13, 2010 Obama Will Demand a BP Escrow Fund for Victims June 12, 2010 Turning the Crisis Corner

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Pakistan and The Taliban, Sitting In A Tree

Organic food not healthier than conventional?

LONDON (Reuters) – Organic food has no nutritional or health benefits over conventionally produced food, according to a major study published on Wednesday. Its conclusions were challenged by organic food campaigners

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Organic food not healthier than conventional?