Tag Archives: health-benefits

Broken Dreams: 9 Lovable Hip-Hop Couples That Didn’t Work

No one ever wants to admit when they’ve let “the one” slip away, but it’s normal, especially in celebrityville where lovable couples split quickly and dysfunctional situations last forever. Mostly coupled-up for publicity, it’s rare to see famous couples that you actually root for (not against). Here are nine lovable Hip-Hop couples that didn’t work. Take a look. Continue reading

Half On A Baby, Perhaps? The Benefits Of Having Children

Having children also has its variety of benefits, from physical to emotional. Continue reading

Sasha Cohen Does Some Bikini Gymnastics of the Day

Sasha Cohen is some Olympic figure skater who loves being in her bikini. This time she’s spiced it up with some YOGA poses in her bikini. Which is convenient, cuz I’ve been masturbating to Yoga girls on Instagram for the last month. It is my new hardcore porn, because there’s something nice about a contained body in spandex doing poses that are unnatural but amazing…especially when fantasizing about fucking them in that pose… So like this was figure skating on a Sunday when hungover, with all the panty flashing, camel toe and athleiticism, and I’d be willing to jerk off to it…fit, tight, bendy….awesome. Time to join the Yoga for the health benefits, but more importantly to stare at farting, tight asses.

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Sasha Cohen Does Some Bikini Gymnastics of the Day

Breastfeeding Group on Time Cover: Way to Be!

The Time Magazine breastfeeding cover and story on attachment parenting are A-O-K with at least one major organization, despite the ruckus it caused. Bettina Forbes, co-founder of Best for Babes – an advocacy group dedicated to educating moms about breastfeeding – defended the controversial image. Forbes says three is NOT too old to be breastfeeding, and that while she’d have preferred a celebrity like Jennifer Garner on the cover, it’s still great. “We understand that Americans are uncomfortable with [the Time cover],” she told TMZ. “However, in other cultures where babies wean themselves normally, usually somewhere around age three or four, it is perfectly acceptable.” “Think of it this way – some cultures have been drinking green tea for millennia, yet only recently has it become popular in the United States once the health benefits were more understood and it was popularized by marketing.” “Breastfeeding is the same thing,” she argues, since “it is accepted and valued in many cultures, but not yet fully in the U.S.” “We’re happy with anything that is an appealing image, provokes conversation, and ultimately desensitizes people to breastfeeding.” You tell us, THG readers: Attachment parenting …

Go here to see the original:
Breastfeeding Group on Time Cover: Way to Be!

Senate Democrats reach tentative deal on public option

Senate Democrats reached a tentative deal on the public option Tuesday night. In exchange for dropping the contentious provision, medicare will be expanded for those of age 55+ (may start in 2011), a national insurance plan would be administered by the same federal agency that oversees the respected Federal Employees Health Benefits Program(the insurance options within that plan would be offered by private, nonprofit entities) and finally, a national public option would kick in if insurance companies did not meet certain coverage standards (aka a trigger)

See the article here:
Senate Democrats reach tentative deal on public option

Many employers to raise cost of health benefits, survey finds

Though Americans who already have medical coverage may be wary of change, a new survey indicates that they may be hard-pressed to escape it — even in the absence of health-care reform. As businesses contend with rising costs, many workers face an erosion of health benefits next year, according to an annual survey released Tuesday by the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Health Research and Educational Trust. Forty percent of employers surveyed said they are likely to increase the amount their workers pay out of pocket for doctor visits

See the rest here:
Many employers to raise cost of health benefits, survey finds

The world’s 18 strangest buildings—and why we love them

This July, the American Institute of Architects forecasted steep declines in nonresidential construction spending through 2010. Spending is projected to decrease by 16 percent this year and another 12 percent in 2010. With less money flowing through the industry, high-end design projects are likely to be scaled back; architects, builders and regular folk are opting for retrofits with more practical design.

Follow this link:
The world’s 18 strangest buildings—and why we love them

Organic food not healthier than conventional?

LONDON (Reuters) – Organic food has no nutritional or health benefits over conventionally produced food, according to a major study published on Wednesday. Its conclusions were challenged by organic food campaigners

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Organic food not healthier than conventional?