Tag Archives: national-public

You Can’t Be Serious: Half-Eaten Fish Comes Back To Life And Jumps Off Plate In Japanese Restaurant

Half-Eaten Fish Comes Back To Life And Jumps Off Plate Video A new viral video shows a half-eaten raw fish wiggling its fin s and then leaping off the edge of the plate in a Japanese restaurant… Via WPXI reports: At the end of the clip, the fish makes one more attempt to escape before the cameraman runs away scared and shuts off the footage. One explanation for why the fish moved may be in the soy sauce. According to National Public Radio, “Because this (fish) was just killed, its muscle cells were still intact and operational. A live (fish) moves by sending an electrical command from its brain to its muscles. The commands say ‘contract’ or ‘relax.’” Since the fish’s brain was no longer operating, it couldn’t send signals. Salt acts as a substitute. And soy sauce is rich in salt. It caused the muscle cells to react. “Extra sodium (the salt) sends ions to the cell that trigger the cell to open up, creating a cascade of chemical activities that causes the cell to fire, so the muscle twitches,” NPR reports. Check out the crazy below:

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You Can’t Be Serious: Half-Eaten Fish Comes Back To Life And Jumps Off Plate In Japanese Restaurant

Wendy Williams hosts National PDA Day with Nivea! — Hollywood.TV


Hollywood.TV is your source for all the latest celebrity news, gossip and videos of your favorite stars! bit.ly – Click to Subscribe! Facebook.com – Become a Fan! Twitter.com – Follow Us! Normally found in New York City where she interviews a never-ending line of celebrities, Wendy Williams was in the City of Angels at The Grove Shopping Center today hosting a Nivea skin care products promotional event in celebration of National Public Display of Affection today. Unfortunately, our camera guy shut off the video before we could catch Wendy herself in a very public display of affection all her own! Hollywood.TV is one of the top celebrity news providers in the world. Since 2008, Hollywood.TV has been bringing all the latest celebrity news, interviews, gossip, and candid videos to viewers all over the world. HTV is on the job 24/7, and at all the best festivals from Sundance to Coachella, as well as on the streets every day to cover the hottest celebs in Hollywood, New York, and Miami. Hollywood.TV is currently the third most viewed reporter channel on www.youtube.com YouTube with almost 400 million views, and our footage is seen worldwide! Tune in daily for all the latest Hollywood news on www.hollywood.tv and http like us on Facebook!

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Wendy Williams hosts National PDA Day with Nivea! — Hollywood.TV

Deongelo Holmes Arrested For DUI, Marijuana

Deongelo Holmes, one half of the rap duo Ying Yang Twins, was arrested. Holmes got popped last week for marijuana possession and DUI. According to the Gwinnett County Police report … when the arrest took place on June 1 in Duluth, Ga., Deongelo’s eyes were “bloodshot and glazed” and his speech was “mumbled, slurred and slow.” Always good signs when one is driving. Holmes was also booked for child endangerment … because his two kids, ages 3 and 2 months, were in the car at the time, but at least after he failed a field sobriety test, authorities say Holmes was “cooperative and friendly” with officers. The Ying Yang Twins had a 2005 hit with “Wait (The Whisper Song).” In more recent, tragic Atlanta hip-hop news, Lil Phat was killed .

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Deongelo Holmes Arrested For DUI, Marijuana

Car Talk to End After 35 Years as Tom and Ray Magliozzi Retire

Tom and Ray Magliozzi, the brothers and popular hosts of Car Talk on National Public Radio, are putting their hilarious show in park for good. They’re retiring after more than 35 years this fall. NPR will continue airing the best of Tom and Ray, a.k.a. Click and Clack the Tappet Brothers, using previously broadcast Car Talk material. “My brother has always been ‘work-averse,'” Ray Magliozzi, 63, joked. “Now, apparently, even the one hour a week is killing him!” “It’s brutal!” quipped Tom, who turns 75 this year. Partly because of Tom’s advancing age, the guys mutually decided it was time to stop “and smell the cappuccino,” NPR reported Friday. The radio show, in which guests call in with questions about their ailing vehicles, focuses on cars, but is really all about the brothers’ banter. While they often made good-natured fun of callers, the Boston-based duo saves their best material for themselves. They will be missed. Week after week, they turn Car Talk into an hour of riotous jokes and laughter that one need not know or care about cars to appreciate. Seriously, check it out if you haven’t heard it.

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Car Talk to End After 35 Years as Tom and Ray Magliozzi Retire

Jill Scott & More Celebs Shine At UNCF’s “Evening Of Stars” Gala [PHOTOS]

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The UNCF’s “An Evening Of Stars” brought out some of black entertainment’s best singers and actors last night (August 14) for it’s 33rd annual gala. Jill Scott & Erykah Badu performed while Tatyana Ali presented and Keke Palmer attended. The televised program serves as national public service announcement campaign aiming to helping to raise money for college scholarships. Jill Scott Considers Open Relationships, Chilli Shuts Her Down Jill Scott & Anthony Hamilton Are “So In Love” [NEW VIDEO]

Jill Scott & More Celebs Shine At UNCF’s “Evening Of Stars” Gala [PHOTOS]

Gibson votes to keep funding NPR


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Rep. Chris Gibson, R-Kinderhook, is a fiscal conservative, but balked at a House bill that would have de-funded National Public Radio. The network, sometimes criticized as left-leaning and under extra scrutiny after a conservative activist brought a hidden camera to lunch with the network’s chief fundraiser. Here’s Gibson’s statement: “Today I voted against eliminating funding Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Capitol confidential Discovery Date : 18/03/2011 00:43 Number of articles : 2

Gibson votes to keep funding NPR

Limbaugh’s Liberal Howlers, and the Media Bias That Surrounded Them

December's Limbaugh Letter has these choice quotes from Speaker Pelosi on the 63-seat bloodbath of the House Democrats. “We didn't lose the election because of me…I'm the most significant attractor of support for the Democrats.” She said this on National Public Radio on the November 12 Morning Edition newscast. I went back to find out what did the interviewer say before and after this laughable blast? Anchor Renee Montagne asked about being “successfully demonized” by the GOP: MONTAGNE: Getting back to the politics, you have been quite successfully demonized by the Republicans. How are you going to keep that from hurting your party more than it already has? PELOSI: Well, let me say this when you say more than it already has. The reason the election results are what they are is because we have nine-and-half percent unemployment in our country. We didn't lose the election because of me. read more

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Limbaugh’s Liberal Howlers, and the Media Bias That Surrounded Them

Inconvenient Truth: 10 Times More Hate Crimes Against Jews Than Muslims

If you believed the media, you would think that hate crimes against Muslims was a growing epidemic in America. Just Monday, the New York Times had a front page story hysterically noting a “torrent of anti-Muslim sentiments and a spate of vandalism.” “The knifing of a Muslim cab driver in New York City has also alarmed many American Muslims,” wrote Laurie Goodstein in the second paragraph of her article titled “American Muslims Ask, Will We Ever Belong?” Unfortunately, as Michael Doyle reported on August 28, the most recent data concerning hate crimes in this country paint a very different picture than what Goodstein and others in the media have been dishonestly portraying of late: Hate crimes directed against Muslims remain relatively rare, notwithstanding the notoriety gained by incidents such as recent vandalism at the Madera Islamic Center. Jews, lesbians, gay men and Caucasians, among others, are all more frequently the target of hate crimes, FBI records show. Reported anti-Muslim crimes have declined over recent years, though they still exceed what occurred prior to the 9-11 terrorist attacks. In 2008, 105 hate crime incidents against Muslims were reported nationwide. There were 10 times as many incidents that were recorded as anti-Jewish during the same year, the most recent for which figures are available. The San Francisco Examiner broke those numbers down a little further: According to the latest hate crime statistics available , there were 1,606 hate crime offenses motivated by religious bias in 2008. A closer look: 65.7 percent of them were committed against Jews. Against Muslims? 7.7 percent. Another interesting data point: 4.7 percent of hate crimes in 2008 were motivated by anti-Catholic bias. Another 3.7 percent were anti-Protestant. So from a raw numbers perspective, there were more hate crimes against Christians in America in 2008 than there were against Muslims. Given our large Christian population, it’s true that each Christian is far less likely to be victimized, but the numbers still show that religious haters have not been singling out Muslims. Some data provided by USA Today last November also helps to put this in perspective: The number of attacks on blacks increased 8% to 2,876, accounting for seven of every 10 race-motivated crimes. Hate crimes based on sexual orientation increased 3% to 1,297,although the number of people victimized went up 13% to 1,706. So, in 2008, the last year such statistics were available, there were 2,876 hate crimes against blacks, 1,297 against gays, and 1,055 against Jews. Yet, with only 105 such disgusting acts committed against Muslims, America’s media want you to believe this nation is Islamophobic. Consider their premise as you watch the following video of a pro-Palestinian rally that took place in Washington, D.C., Friday (h/t Right Scoop ): Imagine the wall-to-wall, 24 hour media coverage that would ensue if rabbis at a pro-Israel rally spoke with such vitriol about Muslims. On the flipside, filmmaker Oliver Stone in July said America’s “Jewish-dominated media” prevent Adolf Hitler from being portrayed in his proper context. The prior month, the historically anti-Semitic Helen Thomas said Jews should go back to Germany or Poland and “get the hell out of Palestine.” A month before that, Comedy Central’s website offered an astonishingly anti-Semitic video game wherein one character said, “You lied to me, Jew producer.”    A month before that, a report was released showing that anti-Semitic acts around the world had more than doubled in 2009 reaching levels never seen since figures started being kept on such things, and our media almost totally ignored these disturbing findings.  Yet America’s an Islamophobic nation – don’t you ever forget it!

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Inconvenient Truth: 10 Times More Hate Crimes Against Jews Than Muslims

NPR Compares Palin, Gingrich to Historic Anti-Semites, Sympathizes with Former CAIR Publicist

National Public Radio is strongly urging America to get over its apparently rabid case of Islamophobia. On Sunday night’s All Things Considered  newscast, anchor  Guy Raz played audio clips of Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin opposing the Ground Zero Mosque, and then launched into how much this resembles historic anti-Semitism: In his column today, New York Times writer Nicholas Kristof points out that in 1940, 17 percent of the population considered Jews to be a menace to America. Almost every ethnic group in this country has gone through a period of transition when they had to fight to prove that, indeed, they were Americans. Rabiah Ahmed and a group of Muslim leaders thought their community had to do the same today. So this week, they launched an online video campaign called “My Faith, My Voice.” What Raz does not point out is that Rabiah Ahmed is a former publicist and prominent national spokesperson for the Council for Islamic-American Relations (CAIR), a group named as an un-indicted co-conspirator in a terrorist funding case. Raz didn’t so much conduct a news interview with Rabiah Ahmed as much as he joined her in condemning the sad and bigoted state of America today:    RAZ: Rabiah, how did it get to this point, you know, where, in a sense, you’re stating what should be painfully obvious, that people who practice the Muslim faith in America are Americans just like anyone else ? Ms. AHMED: You know, it is sad that it has to be said, but it’s necessary nonetheless because this rhetoric, these anti-Muslim feelings, they’re not just coming from the usual right-wing or agenda-driven circles. Polls indicate that these fears are widespread. They’re in the hearts of average Americans, moderate Americans. And that’s what’s so concerning about this. In the post-9/11 climate, there was anti-Muslim backlash, but it wasn’t so open. It wasn’t so hostile, and it wasn’t so widespread. And whatever the Muslim community has been doing in the past 10 years, it’s been a good effort, but for some reason, it’s not achieving its goal. RAZ: Do you think, as a society, we’re in the midst of maybe a passing storm, you know, something that we will look back on in 10 or 20 years from now and wonder how it ever came to this ? Ms. AHMED: I hope so. I hope it is a passing storm. I hope that it’s just a matter of time where Muslims are seen as part and parcel of the society. You know, if we look back at our history, other communities have faced this kind of discrimination or these kinds of feelings, and they’ve been able to overcome. But it’s not going to happen by itself. The Muslim community is going to really have to reach out in different ways, you know, through interfaith relations, through public service announcements, through whatever way that people can contribute and try to address these issues because if it’s not done, then there’s a potential of it just getting worse. RAZ: That’s Rabiah Ahmed. She’s one of the people behind a new online video campaign called “My Faith, My Voice.”  Rabiah Ahmed, thank you so much. Ms. AHMED: Thank you for having me. The “My Faith, My Voice” organizers claimed they are absolutely unaffiliated. But is Ahmed or her Mirza Public Relations firm being paid, and if so, by whom? NPR’s anchor didn’t care enough to ask, at least not for the public. Before this sympathetic exchange, Raz explained “In a few moments, we’ll find out why Muslims in one grassroots movement have decided to remind their fellow Americans that, well, they’re Americans too.” But first, he found some American Muslims who found the current rhetorical environment is endangering their safety: HUSSEIN NAGAMEA(ph): My name is Hussein Nagamea. I have no time since my immigration to the United States felt that I was unsafe in this country until now, recently. BARBARA KHANDAKAR: I am careful about who I talk to in public, not so much just talking to them, but other Muslims that I greet, I don’t automatically go say, hi, assalamu alaikum, because I don’t want to draw attention to myself that I’m Muslim or that they’re Muslim, just in case someone out there might be crazy. ZIYA NASIR: You kind of feel afraid that everyone thinks that way, you know, everyone who’s not Muslim believes that. That is probably the most frightening out of everything. So this is how it works at taxpayer-supported radio. If you’re non-Muslim and think Muslims are endangering your safety, you’re a bigot. If you’re Muslim and you think non-Muslims are endangering your safety, you’re handed a microphone and a pat on the back.

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NPR Compares Palin, Gingrich to Historic Anti-Semites, Sympathizes with Former CAIR Publicist

NY Times Leaves Mao’s Atrocities Out of Obituary for Physicist Turned Maoist Joan Hinton

The New York Times’s obituary Saturday for Manhattan Project physicist turned Maoist Joan Hinton by William Grimes left out her Maoist beliefs in both the headline — ” Joan Hinton, 88, Physicist Who Chose China Over Bomb ” — and a text box: “A Manhattan Project member whose desire for peace led her to a Chinese farm.” And the obituary itself completely omitted the deadly nature of Mao Zedong’s totalitarian regime: Joan Hinton, a physicist who worked on the Manhattan Project, which developed the atom bomb, but spent most of her life as a committed Maoist working on dairy farms in China, died on Tuesday in Beijing. She was 88. …. In 1948, alarmed at the emerging cold war, she gave up physics and left the United States for China, then in the throes of a Communist revolution she wholeheartedly admired. “I did not want to spend my life figuring out how to kill people,” she told National Public Radio in 2002. “I wanted to figure out how to let people have a better life, not a worse life.” Grimes concluded without any reference to Mao’s atrocities during the Cultural Revolution: She and her husband remained true believers in the Maoist cause. “It would have been terrific if Mao had lived,” Ms. Hinton told The Weekend Australian in 2008 during a trip to Japan. “Of course I was 100 percent behind everything that happened in the Cultural Revolution — it was a terrific experience.” By contrast, the Washington Post’s obituary Friday from Matt Schudel mentioned Hinton’s Maoism in the online headline: “Joan Hinton, worked on Manhattan Project and became devoted Mao follower, dies at 88.” A middle paragraph also made clear the murderous nature of the regime: “Nonetheless, Ms. Hinton remained an ardent supporter of Mao, the Chinese Communist leader who controlled the country from 1949 until he died in 1976. Even after Mao’s Cultural Revolution reshaped Chinese society by force, leaving tens of millions of people dead in ideological purges, Ms. Hinton’s loyalty was undiminished .”

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NY Times Leaves Mao’s Atrocities Out of Obituary for Physicist Turned Maoist Joan Hinton