Tag Archives: organic-food

Robert Llewellyn Compares the Nemesis EV to the Tesla (Video)

Image credit: Fully Charged “Can you remember the exact moment you decided you would build an electric car that scares people…?” Another classic question from the inimitable Robert Llewellyn. With the ‘ wind-powered’ Nemesis electric car finally hitting the road , I was delighted to see that Llewellyn—whose shows on everything from the Mitsubishi MiEV t… Read the full story on TreeHugger

Robert Llewellyn Compares the Nemesis EV to the Tesla (Video)

Gorgeous, Dumpster Diving Male Model Uses Beauty to Achieve Food Forest Dream (Photos)

Anderson in a Paul Mitchell ad. Photo: Anthony Anderson Can being beautiful help promote a sustainable lifestyle? Living in a self-proclaimed dichotomy between the fashion world and sustainable living, dumpster diving and wild food forager Anthony Anderson uses his male modeling career to supplement his mission to live sustainably, launch an organic chocolate company, and plant food forests…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

Gorgeous, Dumpster Diving Male Model Uses Beauty to Achieve Food Forest Dream (Photos)

Introducing the Bored to Death Hipster Quotient: Scenesters at the S&M Dungeon

He is a mop-topped author who moonlights as a private detective in Brooklyn. He wears thrift store blazers, dates an organic food co-op member, and drinks wine from vintage mugs. He is self referential. Jonathan Ames, the Bored to Death character played by Jason Schwartzman, is a hopeless hipster and with Movieline’s new Hipster Quotient, you can see how HBO’ s niche series measures up within the highly selective subculture’s community, one silk-screened t-shirt at a time.

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Introducing the Bored to Death Hipster Quotient: Scenesters at the S&M Dungeon

Organic food not healthier than conventional?

LONDON (Reuters) – Organic food has no nutritional or health benefits over conventionally produced food, according to a major study published on Wednesday. Its conclusions were challenged by organic food campaigners

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Organic food not healthier than conventional?