I apologize in advance. This is just awful. Circling the web is the following picture of Miley Cyrus and while many people have warned Liam Hemsworth to look away, I think it’s best if we all look away. Why? For the love of all that is holy, WHY?!?! The tongue, the oversized head made of unknown material but what looks to be rotting away, the red nails against creepy fake flesh…. Thanks a lot Miley Cyrus , I’ll send my therapy bills your way. Where’s the brain bleach when you really need it?
Reddit can be a great source of information, especially when it comes to their AMA (Ask Me Anything) posts. This week, screenwriter Tony Swerdlow took to the site in hopes of raising some publicity for his Indiegogo project, The House Itself. However, it was Swerdlow’s admission of being high as a kite while writing such classics as Cool Runnings and Little Giants that caught everyone’s attention. The amazing part? Swerdlow’s description of his reaction to the heroine, “it made no difference… it was like using oxygen it didn’t get me high.. just let me function.. glad you love the movie though.” So heroine is like oxygen? Not having ever used heroine I’ll have to take his word for it but that was certainly not what I would have expected. Swerdlow is clean now thanks to having suffered a heart valve infection that more or less forced him to drop the drugs. We wish him all the luck with his new film. Always nice to see someone get their act together, “like using oxygen” or not.
Ryan Gosling hasn’t saved any lives on the streets of New York lately, or gotten the bottom of the whole Area 51 aliens debate that we know he’ll solve one day. So, in the mean time, let’s take a look at these Wait! What? Internet reports that he almost became a member of the Backstreet Boys . Gosling was a member of the Disney Channel’s Mickey Mouse Club in the mid-1990s — along with Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake — and he did inspire a coloring book last year, so it’s not much of a leap to imagine him wearing lightning-bolt sideburns and an all-white ensemble and using his hands demonstratively as he sings. The thing is, if you look at the Celebuzz video clip that started the blogosphere a-humming, at no point does Gosling say that he wanted to be part of the boy band. Ryan Gosling Talks Backstreet Boys Based on my minimal experience interviewing Gosling, the actor is adept at using his well-developed sense of humor to disarm and even befuddle reporters and junketeers who get him in the hot seat. The only thing Gosling really says in the clip below is that, during his Mickey Mouse Club days, he lived in the same apartment complex as Backstreet Boy A.J. McLean , who was talking about starting the band. The rest of Gosling’s spiel seems to be a self-deprecating riff on how wrong he was that the Backstreet Boys wouldn’t make it. And then there’s the telling last line of his interview: “I don’t know what they’re doing. I try not to think about it,” Gosling says. Backstreet Boy A.J. McLean Talks Ryan Gosling Those comments are now being interpreted as an indication that Gosling almost joined the band, thanks, in part, to the artful comments of McLean, who added some fuel to the fire in this interview with TMZ , and revealed that he and Gosling work out at the same gym. (They must use different trainers.) To that I can only say, if you were a nostalgia act at 35, you’d want a little bit of Gosling’s heat to rub off on you, too. Ryan Gosling’s Interview Skills Surpass Backstreet Boys’ Dance Moves As further proof that Gosling is really talented at using humor to manipulate an interview, I submit this video of the actor charmingly dominating MSN TV ‘s James Rocchi. His moves are way more advanced than anything the Backstreet Boys ever busted onstage. [Celebuzz, TMZ , MSN ] Follow Frank DiGiacomo on Twitter. Follow Movieline on Twitter.
Oh, that Arnold Schwarzenegger . Even taking on the infamous Reddit Ask Me Anything (AMA) , the ex-Governator did things the Arnold way . From pimping his action movie comeback The Last Stand to delighting the internetz with handwritten (via iPad) quips and quotes (” It’s not a tumor! — Arnold “) to taking the briefest of political detours as he set fanboy hearts a’flutter, Schwarzenegger proved he’s still got what it takes to charm the fickle masses. (We’ll see if they vote this weekend where it really counts: At the box office.) Arnold, who returns to the big screen in Korean director Kim Jee-Woon’s contemporary Western The Last Stand this Friday, on which directors he’d still love to work with : “I would like to work with Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg . Also Sam Raimi would be great to work with.” Regrets — I think we can imagine Arnold has a few. But can you guess his greatest regret of all? “I most regret not doing The Rock . I love the movie, and it turned out well. When it was offered to me there was only an 80 page script with a lot of handwriting and scribbles and it didn’t seem fully baked. But they obviously did a fantastic job.” You know, typing on a keyboard can be so cumbersome. (Plus, anyone’s assistant/intern/publicist can do it on their behalf… just sayin’.) So Arnold took to his iPad to bang out some handwritten AMA answers in glorious Arnold cursive. Like this confirmation that the already-confirmed Twins sequel is indeed happening : The eternal question: ” Is it a tumor? ” Of course, the former California governor had to balance things out with some politi-speech real talk about the Republican party : “The most important thing is that we need to be a party that is inclusive and tolerant. We can be those things and be the party we always have been. We need to think about the environment — Teddy Roosevelt was a great environmentalist and people forget Reagan was the one who dealt with the ozone layer with the Montreal protocol. We also need to talk about healthcare honestly — Nixon almost passed universal healthcare. We need to have an talk about immigration and realize you can’t just deport people. We need a comprehensive answer. We also need to stay out of people’s bedrooms. The party that is for small government shouldn’t be over-reaching into people’s private lives. Mainly, we need to be a party where people know what we are for, not just what we are against.” …but he brought it back around to the important stuff : Would you rather fight 100 duck sized Predators or 1 Predator sized duck? “I would choose the 1 Predator sized duck instead of dealing with 100 duck-sized Predators. I’ve already fought a Predator-sized Predator so I am confident I could handle the duck.” [via Reddit ] Follow Jen Yamato on Twitter . Follow Movieline on Twitter .