Tag Archives: madison-murray

Madison Murray Because We Were Meant To Be

I’m still waiting for the day when Madison Murray finally realizes that we were meant for each other and moves into the Tuna Mansion (aka my mom’s basement). So far, the plan’s hit a few speed bumps (like Madison barely being aware of my existence), but that’s nothing the two of us can’t work through. Until then though, I guess I’ll just have to make do with drooling over these new pictures of her in a bikini instead. Lucky for me, that’s a pretty solid Plan B. Continue reading

Erin Wagner Topless for 192 Magazine of the Day

Her name is ERIN WAGNER ….I googled her and couldn’t find anything about her…other than that she shares the same name with Justin Bieber’s stepmother and mother of his half Bieber sibling, which is unfortunate, I guess…not that it matter…because this Erin Wagner isn’t affiliated with the Biebers, but I won’t say she’s not prostituting herself like she was Bieber’s mom learning how to monetize off her 5 year old, because any girl you ask to get naked, will always say no….until you package it as being for a great photographer, or for their model portfolio, or for a magazine you never knew existed…because for some reason, girls take that as status nudity, or elitist nudity, and not hooker nudity…anytime we get a girl naked, we’ve won…so this Erin Wagner is my kind of girl…fashionable about getting attention for being topless…even though being topless shouldn’t be a thing, and all girls should be topless all the time, it would make life better…I mean seriously, who the fuck jerks off to boobs now that so much hardcore porn exists…it just doesn’t make sense…so girls get topless on Facebook, do it for feminism and tag me in a all the pics…while you’re doing that, I am gonna stare at this.

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Erin Wagner Topless for 192 Magazine of the Day

Kate Upton Panty Flash of the Day

Apparently, this Kate Upton Panty Flash is a big deal…I say it’s just big…real big…and not nearly as erotic as it could be…because it is Kate Upton and he best work is done in less clothes than this..photoshopped to shit..so that I don’t have to see her eating disorder that is the opposite of other model eating disorder…because her eating disorder involves eating every fucking thing in sight… All I see here is that when you’re fat…in a tight dress…your belly makes getting out of a car gracefully pretty rough… But knowing Kate Upton has really creepy fans, I have no choice but to participate in her promotional panty flash tour…and really, I’ve fucked way worst than this so hating on her plus sized stature is ridiculous, I guess I just don’t like seeing undeserving people win, but ultimately, I don’t actually care whether she’s in Vogue or not, and I would still let her sit of my face, smothering me, all smelling like the barn she was found in…..it’s beastiality if it’s dressed like a girl.

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Kate Upton Panty Flash of the Day

Madison Murray is Hot on the Beach of the Day

My childhood friend, who I have met once, but feel a real connection with, MADISON MURRAY …is blowing up the internet with these pictures stripping out of her shirt on the beach today…and I understand why…she looks fucking awesome… The pics were shot by THE HEAD HUNTR , who should have invited me on this shoot, considering I am in Florida, because I take hiding her nipples, with some implied nudity, while leaving her shorts on…to full spread eagle with objects inserted in her butt…objects like my tongue….all it takes is a little charisma…and sleeping pills. This should be a sex tape… The bad news is that she has probably washed this shorts since the shoot, so I can never sniff them. The good news….is that they happened…

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Madison Murray is Hot on the Beach of the Day

Madison Murray Has Fun At The Beach!

Out of all the chicks I cyber-stalk follow online, and trust me, there’s a lot of them, Madison Murray here is by far the coolest one of them all. And no, I’m not just saying that to try to get in her pants. Oh wait, nevermind, yes I am. Anyway, here’s Madison’s latest super cute photoshoot, and after this, I think it’s time to officially take our relationship to the next level: I want to meet her and make her my ex-wife. I know, I know, I’m a hopeless romantic. It’s kind of embarrassing.

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Madison Murray Has Fun At The Beach!

Madison Murray Erotica of the Day

Florida model and internet celebrity or more importantly internet crush who I write dirty things to and who ignores me even after I hitched a ride to Florida to stalk her…because I guess she doesn’t grasp love and passion or maybe she’s just not into masked obese men who don’t shower but who rock soiled sweat pants harder than a homeless man… Madison Murray had these amazing pics taken of her shot by The Head Huntr or as I like to call him…the enemy who gets my girlfriend who doesn’t know she’s my girlfriend half naked….but I’m glad he does because she doesn’t answer my calls…or screams outside her apartment…but she should…love can only be ignored so long before it gets confused for being creepy…

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Madison Murray Erotica of the Day

Madison Murray Erotica of the Day

Florida model and internet celebrity or more importantly internet crush who I write dirty things to and who ignores me even after I hitched a ride to Florida to stalk her…because I guess she doesn’t grasp love and passion or maybe she’s just not into masked obese men who don’t shower but who rock soiled sweat pants harder than a homeless man… Madison Murray had these amazing pics taken of her shot by The Head Huntr or as I like to call him…the enemy who gets my girlfriend who doesn’t know she’s my girlfriend half naked….but I’m glad he does because she doesn’t answer my calls…or screams outside her apartment…but she should…love can only be ignored so long before it gets confused for being creepy…

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Madison Murray Erotica of the Day

At Home With Super Cutie Madison Murray

Unfortunately, I still haven’t been able to make Madison Murray here my ex-wife yet, and believe me, I’ve tried. But I guess not every girl always dreamed of moving into my mom’s basement, for some weird reason. Anyway, lucky for the rest of you at least, I did manage to find more pictures of Madison looking super cute at her place. I still don’t understand why she doesn’t want to move in, but after these shots, now I want to buy a General Lee so she can be my Daisy Duke. » view all 11 photos Photos: TheHeadHuntr

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At Home With Super Cutie Madison Murray

Madison Murray Is My Latest Sweetheart

I know I say this pretty much every time I see her, but I think this latest shoot my future ex-wife Madison Murray did for 8&9 Clothing might just be the hottest pictures she’s ever done. Of course, I had to go back through my archives and double-check just to be sure. And after getting sidetracked for a an hour, I came to the following conclusion: Madison is super cute and really hot.

Madison Murray Modeling Side Tit of the Day

I follow this MADISON MURRAY babe on instagram and figure she’s cute, and fun, and friendly, and fucks around with TMZ by driving Bieber’s car he was arrested in …all with a smile on her face like she knows her prank is good…and I think that kind of fun, easy going attitude…makes for a fun easy going life…and I’m into supporting that…

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Madison Murray Modeling Side Tit of the Day