Tag Archives: madonna-grill

LeAnn Rimes: Caught Stealing Motivational Tweets?!

LeAnn Rimes gets accused of doing a lot of strange, sketchy things, but most of them have to do with her ongoing efforts to catch Eddie Cibrian cheating . We can’t really blame her for that, because Eddie is almost certainly sleeping around .  So the snooping makes perfect sense, but LeAnn’s latest shady antics are a little bit harder to understand. It seems Mrs. Rimes-Cibrian has taken to writing little motivational sayings on chalkboards, then posting the photos on Instagram. Yeah, the girl’s got a lot of time on her hands, but there’s nothing inherently wrong with that. The problem is that some of the sayings – which LeAnn has allegedly passed off as her own – appear to have been lifted from the Twitter account of a woman named Rachel Wolchin. Wolchin is an LA-area writer and photographer, and apparently LeAnn figured she’s non-famous enough that her tweets could be stolen without anyone noticing. Unfortunately, LeAnn has a ton of online haters, several of whom have called her out for stealing from Wolchin without giving her credit. Is it a big deal? Not really. As far as we know, you can’t copyright a tweet. We doubt LeAnn will even acknowledge this mini-scandal public, but we’re sure those who already don’t like her will add it to their already-lengthy list of reasons why she can’t be trusted. LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian Pics: Happy Home-Wreckers 1. LeAnn Rimes With Eddie Cibrian Photo View Photo LeAnn Rimes with Eddie Cibrian. They got married more than two years ago now. 2. Eddie Cibrian, LeAnn Rimes, Kids View Photo Eddie Cibrian and LeAnn Rimes with his kids Mason and Jake. 3. Eddie Cibrian, LeAnn Rimes Instagram View Photo Eddie Cibrian and LeAnn Rimes on Instragram, mocking Brandi Glanville obviously. 4. Le Ann and Eddie View Photo Eddie Cibrian and LeAnn Rimes. What a nice pair. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 5. Eddie and LeAnn View Photo Eddie and LeAnn Cibrian. Or LeAnn Rimes Cibrian as she sometimes goes by. 6. LeAnn Rimes With Eddie Cibrian View Photo LeAnn Rimes with Eddie Cibrian in a sweet pic. These two do seem happy together. 7. LeAnn Rimes, Eddie Cibrian Pic View Photo Eddie Cibrian and his bikini-clad wife LeAnn Rimes. Nice pic of a nice couple. 8. LeAnn Rimes, Bikini View Photo Eddie Cibrian and his bikini-clad wife LeAnn Rimes. Nice pic. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 9. LeAnn Rimes, Eddie Cibrian Image View Photo LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian make an attractive couple. 10. Eddie Cibrian and LeAnn Rimes View Photo Eddie Cibrian and LeAnn Rimes are married. And happy. 11. LeAnn Rimes, Eddie Cibrian Picture View Photo LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian share a laugh in March 2012. The couple is coming up on their 1-year anniversary. 12. Mr. & Mrs. Cibrian View Photo Eddie Cibrian and LeAnn Rimes in July 2011. What a nice-looking couple. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 13. LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian Picture View Photo LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian are seen here on their honeymoon. What a couple of cute-looking newlyweds. 14. CibriANN Photo View Photo Eddie Cibrian and LeAnn Rimes are seen here walking hand in hand. They’re engaged and happy these days. 15. Eddie and LeAnn Photo View Photo Eddie Cibrian and LeAnn Rimes are engaged. And happy. Will they soon be taking their love to reality TV? 16. LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian Pic View Photo LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian are in a happy relationship. Just don’t call it sloppy, people. The girl’s a lot of things but she ain’t some sloppy mistress. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 17. Eddie Cibrian and LeAnn Rimes Photo View Photo Eddie Cibrian and LeAnn Rimes at the Academy of Country Music Awards. They look great, those adulterous hotties. 18. Eddie Cibrian and LeAnn Rimes Picture View Photo A nice photo of Eddie Cibrian and LeAnn Rimes leaving Katsuya. That’s the place where a couple goes if it wants to get photographed. Looks like things are going well! 19. LeAnn Rimes, Eddie Cibrian Photograph View Photo LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian in a nice photo from 2014. They are so happy together. The End. Up Next: ” LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian Pics: Happy Home-Wreckers .” We’ll be redirecting you shortly…

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LeAnn Rimes: Caught Stealing Motivational Tweets?!

Madonna Talks Sexism, Kanye West, Internet Trolls

Madonna covers the latest issue of Cosmopolitan, talking to the magazine about nothing of controversy or substance at all and giving a very tame interview. Just kidding!!!! The singer, who recently declared war on Instagram by going topless, instead opens up to the publication about a number of issues. To start with, sexism. And… go, Madonna! “Don’t be fooled, not much has changed – certainly not for women. We still live in a very sexist society that wants to limit people. “Since I started, I’ve had people giving me a hard time because they didn’t think you could be sexual or have sexuality or sensuality in your work and be intelligent at the same time. For me, the fight has never ended.” What about working with Kanye West on her new album? Did she clash with Mr. Kim Kardashian ? “It’s a little bit of a bullfight, but we take turns,” she says. “He knows that he’s walking into a room with a person with a strong point of view, and I do too. “I listen to what he has to say, take it in, and he listens to what I say and takes it in. We didn’t agree on everything, but he has good ideas.” And what about those trolls? Those people who live to bring others down online? “You can hide behind your computer or your phone and say whatever you want – you’re not known. Could you say it to my face? Would you say it to my face? I doubt it.” We strongly doubt it. 9 Controversial Photos of Madonna 1. Madonna Armpit Hair Pic View Photo Madonna has hair in her armpit. And she’s not afraid to show it off. 2. Madonna Gun Photo View Photo Madonna in yet another gun photo. Is she taking it too far? 3. Madonna Grill View Photo Madonna rocks a grill, and looks kinda ridic if you ask us. But we don’t judge. 4. Madonna, Gun View Photo Madonna pulls a gun out in concert in Denver. Some fans were not happy. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 5. Madonna, Gun to Head View Photo Madonna put a gun to her head during a concert in London. Is the singer growing desperate for attention? 6. Lady Gaga and Madonna Kiss View Photo Lady Gaga and Madonna kiss and make up after their cat fight on SNL. Good to see they can still get along. 7. Best. Kiss. Ever. View Photo Will this kiss ever be topped? Madonna plants one here on Britney Spears. 8. Madonna Crotch Shot View Photo Madonna has posted this intimate look at her crotch online. Because… why not, right? Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 9. Madonna and Nelson Mandela View Photo Madonna posted these photos on Instagram. Many took offense at her apparent comparison of herself to Nelson Mandela. The End. Up Next: ” 9 Controversial Photos of Madonna .” We’ll be redirecting you shortly…

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Madonna Talks Sexism, Kanye West, Internet Trolls

Madonna to Gay Guys: Ask Me Out!

Following an embarrassing fall at the BRIT Awards , Madonna is doing her best to make headlines for what comes out of her mouth… as opposed where she ends up on her rear end. The legendary singer recently lamented the rise of anti-Semitism in France and compared that nation to Nazi Germany . She also said Kanye West is a black version of… herself. And now The Material Girl is featured in the latest issue of Out, which hits newsstands on March 17, and she’s explaining to the magazine why she wants to date a gay man. Kind of. Sort of. There’s just one issue… “I didn’t feel like straight men understood me. They just wanted to have sex with me,” Madonna says of her romantic history. “Gay men understood me, and I felt comfortable around them. There was only that one problem, which is that they didn’t want to have sex with me! So…conundrum! “I was like, ‘How am I ever going to get a date? Maybe if I cut my hair and I lose a lot of weight, someone will mistake me for a guy and ask me out.” In some ways, meanwhile, Madonna also wishes she were gay. “Gay rights are way more advanced than women’s rights People are a lot more open-minded to the gay community than they are to women. “It’s moved along for the gay community, for the African-American community, but women are still just trading on their ass. To me, the last great frontier is women…. Women are still the most marginalized group. “You’re still categorized – you’re still either a virgin or a whore. If you’re a certain age, you’re not allowed to express your sexuality, be single, or date younger men.” Madonna certainly knows a great deal about all three of those topics. 9 Controversial Photos of Madonna 1. Madonna Armpit Hair Pic View Photo Madonna has hair in her armpit. And she’s not afraid to show it off. 2. Madonna Gun Photo View Photo Madonna in yet another gun photo. Is she taking it too far? 3. Madonna Grill View Photo Madonna rocks a grill, and looks kinda ridic if you ask us. But we don’t judge. 4. Madonna, Gun View Photo Madonna pulls a gun out in concert in Denver. Some fans were not happy. Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 5. Madonna, Gun to Head View Photo Madonna put a gun to her head during a concert in London. Is the singer growing desperate for attention? 6. Lady Gaga and Madonna Kiss View Photo Lady Gaga and Madonna kiss and make up after their cat fight on SNL. Good to see they can still get along. 7. Best. Kiss. Ever. View Photo Will this kiss ever be topped? Madonna plants one here on Britney Spears. 8. Madonna Crotch Shot View Photo Madonna has posted this intimate look at her crotch online. Because… why not, right? Advertisement A message from our sponsor. 9. Madonna and Nelson Mandela View Photo Madonna posted these photos on Instagram. Many took offense at her apparent comparison of herself to Nelson Mandela. The End. Up Next: ” 9 Controversial Photos of Madonna .” We’ll be redirecting you shortly… The iconic artist has been through a lot throughout her life and her career. Just like a certain historical figure. “I can relate [to Joan of Arc],” she says. “Sometimes I’m getting burned at the stake metaphorically.”

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Madonna to Gay Guys: Ask Me Out!

Madonna Grill Photo: The Moment Grills Jumped the Shark?

So Madonna is apparently rocking a grill these days. Like the moment your mother and father joined Facebook, this makes one wonder if grills are officially no longer the hot, new “in” thing about celebrities. Age is just a number. Even if that number is 54. Always fashionable and forever young, Her Madgesty channeled her inner Lil Wayne and got her mouth blinged out in a shiny gold grill over the weekend. We’re not saying you can’t pull off a certain look if you’re a certain age … but these images aren’t making a compelling argument for the style. Just saying. At least it’s not Rihanna’s gun grill ?

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Madonna Grill Photo: The Moment Grills Jumped the Shark?