Tag Archives: make-it-easier

IKEA Sells Used Furniture (Only in Sweden for Now)

Photo: Flickr , CC Might Expand to Other Countries Speaking of ” Reduce, Reuse, Recycle “, IKEA Sweden wants to make it easier for owners of old IKEA furniture to give it a second life. Against their own commercial interest, the company is offering a free online platform where sellers and buyers can find themselves, and they aren’t even taking a cut of the transactions. Read on for more details…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

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IKEA Sells Used Furniture (Only in Sweden for Now)

Would A Curvy Crosswalk Reduce Accidents?

We always say that streets are for people, but nobody works very hard to make them comfortable for people rather than cars. After all, cars get curved corners to make it easier to get around but humans, they have to make sharp right angles. Jae Min Lim looks at the problem, and redesigns the crosswalk to reflect how people actually move…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Would A Curvy Crosswalk Reduce Accidents?

Media Spin Supreme Court Gun Ruling as Loss for States’ Rights

Don’t look now, but it seems the media have suddenly discovered a respect for states’ rights. All it took was a Supreme Court ruling affirming the Second Amendment’s role in protecting gun owners’ rights from state or local infringement. Newsweek  called the ruling  “bad news” for gun controllers because “the right to ‘keep and bear arms’ in the U.S. Constitution’s 2 nd  Amendment restricts state and local power to impose gun controls.” The ruling found that local and state governments cannot simply ban gun ownership. It left the door open for some restrictions, but the extent of those restrictions remains largely untested. CNN  declared the ruling  “a potentially far-reaching case over the ability of state and local governments to enforce limits on weapons.” MSNBC’s Morning Joe contributors were devastated by the court’s ruling. “Gun owners win. Gun rights win. Big cities lose. I mean, any time you make it easier for guns to be on the streets of big cities or any city, actually, we lose as citizens,” Mike Barnacle said. Richard Haass said there was a “gap” between “the theory that the Court is deciding on about a fairly broad interpretation of Second Amendment rights and the realities as mayors see it.” He bemoaned that “this is obviously going to have repercussions in every city and every state across the country.” A  recent MSNBC report , however, found that gun ownership has increased over the years while gun homicides have decreased. Like this article? Sign up for “Culture Links,” CMI’s weekly e-mail newsletter, by   clicking  here.

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Media Spin Supreme Court Gun Ruling as Loss for States’ Rights

Senate Bill would allow "mentally Incapacitated" vets to buy guns

Major Nidal Hasan, accused of killing 13 people at Fort Hood Army base, has been described by former colleagues as “psychotic.” As more details emerge about Hasan's troubled state, gun safety advocates are launching fresh attacks on a Senate bill they say would make it easier for mentally unstable veterans to buy firearms. Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) says his “Veterans 2nd Amendment Protection Act” will protect veterans' gun rights

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Senate Bill would allow "mentally Incapacitated" vets to buy guns

Google’s search engine pinpoints extinction

Thanks to the BBC for a link to this paper describing how Google's algorithm for ranking web pages could determine what species are most critical for sustaining ecosystems. The authors write in PLoS Computational Biology that their version of PageRank could ascertain which extinction would likely lead to ecosystem collapse. Species are embedded in complex networks of relationships

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Google’s search engine pinpoints extinction

Ben Gibbard and Jay Farrar team up to record Kerouac album

The last time Ben Gibbard split off from the rest of Death Cab for Cutie to record an album's worth of songs, that album was the Postal Service's Give Up, and half a million sensitive indie types swooned.

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Ben Gibbard and Jay Farrar team up to record Kerouac album

Comic book store owner protests Archie’s proposal to Veronica

When comic book store owner Dave Luebke heard that after 67 years, the carrot-topped everyman of the comic world, Archie, was proposing to va-va-voomy rich girl Veronica instead of girl-next-door Betty, he decided to protest by selling his copy of the series' rare first issue. Luebke's Archie Comics No.

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Comic book store owner protests Archie’s proposal to Veronica

Making solar affordable, one city at a time

A California nonprofit plans to launch a program that aims to make it easier for cities and counties to offer solar financing to their residents. added by: stopnoise 1 response

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Making solar affordable, one city at a time

Tony Romo and Jessica Simpson Split (PHOTOS) July 13, 2009 …

NFL quarterback Tony Romo has washed his hands of singer Jessica Simpson . The breakup occurred on the night before Simpson’s 29th birthday. PHOTOS.

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Tony Romo and Jessica Simpson Split (PHOTOS) July 13, 2009 …

Breaking News: Tony Tony Romo and Jessica Simpson Reportedly Split …

The big thing was the fact that before the divisional playoff game against the Giants in 2007, Tony Romo was in Mexico with Jessica Simpson and he has received a lot of criticism from everyone on the subject. For the sake of his career, I think Romo and her had to break up to make it easier

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Breaking News: Tony Tony Romo and Jessica Simpson Reportedly Split …