Tag Archives: make-the-bulk

I Want A Refund: Artists Who Cancelled Show For Health Reasons

The music business has certainly changed over the years. Now instead of selling albums, musicians, singers and rappers rely on touring and concerts to make the bulk of their money but these artists were forced to cancel shows due to various health reasons…. Continue

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I Want A Refund: Artists Who Cancelled Show For Health Reasons

Katy Perry To Ruin The Simpsons In December

Oh, Simpsons . My first clue should have been when you set your iconic opening to the sounds of Ke[dollar sign]ha’s execrable song “Tik Tok.” And now comes word that Katy Perry will guest star on a future episode? Somewhere, back in 1989, my elementary school heart is breaking.

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Katy Perry To Ruin The Simpsons In December

Are Guest Stars Ruining Television? No. Is Alessandra Stanley Terrible? Yes.

The New York Times ‘ Alessandra Stanley recently penned a piece decrying the sudden over-abundance of guest stars clogging our favorite television comedies and dramas. But is it really the guest stars who are to blame? And is Alessandra Stanely really just grasping at straws here?

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Are Guest Stars Ruining Television? No. Is Alessandra Stanley Terrible? Yes.

Trailer for Eliot Spitzer Film Client 9 Takes on Greed, Corruption, Sex and Other Things Rich People Like

Still seething with rage at Wall Street after seeing this weekend’s number one movie? Looking for another film to fan the flames? Or maybe you’re just looking for one that has more information weaved in and not just endless catch phrases . Regardless, it looks like Oscar-winning director Alex Gibney has you covered in his new documentary about the disgraced New York governor, Client Nine: The Rise and Fall of Eliot Spitzer .

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Trailer for Eliot Spitzer Film Client 9 Takes on Greed, Corruption, Sex and Other Things Rich People Like

How Much Would You Pay to Watch New Movies at Home?

After an FCC ruling allowing the activation of technology that blocks duplication of video-on-demand titles, studios have been quietly planning to launch a “premium” VOD option of first run movies for $24.99. Predictably, movie theaters are not too happy. Studios are currently planning to wait 45 days after theatrical release to make these premium on-demand titles available. With a few exceptions, this is the time frame in which most theatrical releases make the bulk of their box-office gross. Still, now might be a good time for theaters to start actually enforcing the no cell phone rule. [ New York Times ]

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How Much Would You Pay to Watch New Movies at Home?