Tag Archives: makes-jerking

Martha Hunt Dressed Like a Man Porn for Hugo Boss of the Day

Everyone gets so excited about Bruce Jenner finally being sociably acceptable to fuck, you know it makes jerking off to his pretty face back when he was on the cereal box, far more justified…you weren’t a gay kid, you were just predicting a future woman… So why not get excited for Martha Hunt, one of the better, hotter, models fully clothed, dressed like a man, because who the fuck wants to see her naked and in a bikini…thanks Hugo Boss for this androgyny… The post Martha Hunt Dressed Like a Man Porn for Hugo Boss of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Martha Hunt Dressed Like a Man Porn for Hugo Boss of the Day

Rosemary is DSFcams Girl of the Day

Rosemary is amazing…she seems to like having a lot of fucking fun…she’s some 24 year old bisexual from USA and she’s a LIBRA, which is something I assume at least one of your weirdo’s cares about this shit because it makes jerking off to a girl more meaningful…weirdo… Apparently, she loves orgasms….but more importantly…she loves her fucking machine..that is both the stupidest machine a girl can own and the greatest. The kind of machine you’d find at some girl your dating’s house and both love her and hate her for having it…it is the sex doll of the female world…but watching her rock it…makes her the DSFCams girl of the day…. TO SEE MORE OF THIS BABE ALL HARDCORE WITHOUT HER UNDERWEAR ON VISIT STEPSMUT TO VISIT HER PAGE AND WAIT FOR HER CLICK HERE TO VISIT THE BEST WEBCAM SITE IN THE HISTORY OF WEBCAM SITES VISIT DSFCAMS

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Rosemary is DSFcams Girl of the Day

Lindsay Lohan and Her Sister in their Bathing Suits of the Day

There was a time Lohan was desperate enough to answer my text messages and emails. Those days are long gone and it hurts my feelings that she didn’t have the decency to break up with my, she just stopped answering me and it makes jerking off to her a very sad experience, but after lookin’ at these pics, it may not be because I’m emotionally shaken by being dropped, but more to do with how she looks. I’d still do her though…just putting that out there in case she’s desperate for a fat old man’s limp pathetic dick, I figure with the whole lesbian shit, a dick that looks like a clit would be a solid transition back to taking cock….here she is with her sister….

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Lindsay Lohan and Her Sister in their Bathing Suits of the Day