Tag Archives: mean-it-worked

New Star Wars Chick in a Bikini of the Day

I like this pussy forward, pelvic thrust by Daisy RIDLEY. I am the only person who hasn’t seen Star Wars, I hate Star Wars…but I do know that Han Solo dies, that’s fucking internet for ruining everything…not that I care that he dies, as far as I’m concerned he died back when he married Ali McBeal….I am not much of a spoiler alert, spoiler, I am just spoiled, and if you’re an actual star wars fan, you’ve already seen the shit and know dude’s dead…unless you’re reading this from prison. In which case…sucks to be you…please don’t make a point of killing me…like you were Steve Avery.. Either way, her name is Daisy Ridley, she’s the new Natalie Portman or Carrie Fisher, who will no be able to have a career outside of Star Wars..or who now has the most lucrative of careers because of Star Wars…seeing as before Star Wars…she didn’t even have a fucking agent… I guess she’s in the illuminati…makes sense.. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post New Star Wars Chick in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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New Star Wars Chick in a Bikini of the Day

Anne Hathaway has a Hard Pregnant Nipple of the Day

I am blown away by dudes I meet who are into pregnancy porn, or ready to drop porn, or who say that pregnant women, with their weird parasites growing in their pussy region, for 9 months before being shat out of their vagina, only to ruin their pussy, and really their bodies, along with the rest of their fucking life…their freedom, their happiness, everything… I mean, I guess there is a bit of an LOL in fucking another dude’s pregnant wife, you know just because it brings that “omg she’s such a fucking slut, she’s cheating on her husband, while she has his baby in her”…level of amazing that I experience everytime I fuck a married women… I am also blown away by dudes I meet who talk about Anne Hathway like she’s hot…but here she is in a bikini top with a hard nipple…it does nothing to me, but I’m impotent and have low testosterone. She looks bloated, like she eats alot, like her shits are disgusting, all while whining….about her pregnancy symptoms…making me look at her with deep rooted hatred and normally I feel zero…it’s all part of being a psychopath. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Anne Hathaway has a Hard Pregnant Nipple of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Anne Hathaway has a Hard Pregnant Nipple of the Day

Stella Maxwell’s Nude Pic on Instagram of the Day

Stella Maxwell, the once was a hipster model from the UK, now is a Victoria’s Secret model, because I guess she’s accessible to the younger market they are trying to market to, with her being a social media personality, hanging out with other models, and the Kardashians….fingering banging, or being finger banged by Miley….and posting nude pics on instagram with quotes like: “You gotta have style. It helps you get down the stairs. It helps you get up in the morning. It’s a way of life. Without it, you’re nobody. I’m not talking about lots of clothes.” Inspiring…I mean it worked out for her…maybe her advice is what you are missing…and what this picture is missing is her grabbing and spreading her ass cheeks…it makes the whoring more obvious. The post Stella Maxwell’s Nude Pic on Instagram of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Stella Maxwell’s Nude Pic on Instagram of the Day

UK Big Broher Tashie Jackson Sex Tape of the Day

So some no name from UK Big Brother has released a sex tape, which is only natural because the kind of bitch who would be compelled to do Big Brother…or any reality show for that matter…is the kind who is trying to get famous….and what better way to get famous than to release a sex tape…I mean it worked for Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton, didn’t it? What these low level sluts don’t get is that the world is so porn saturated that we don’t care if any bitch fucks on camera…we’re desensitized….especially when the bitch fucking on camera has to rub herself to get wet after sucking a dudes dick…we like a bitch to be wet at all times….at least in our sex tapes…cuz I’m the king of making bitches dry…within 10 seconds of them realizing what they are doing… They also don’t realize that Kim Kardashian was working with the top publicist in hollywood to get her interviews, coverage, etc when her tape hit…it was a bigger plan… It wasn’t just a bitch fucking a black dude awkward and like we all fuck at home…. Who cares…just watch the sex tape cuz it’s out there….and wait til the part she says “You Filled Me Up”…cuz bitch didn’t even have the decency to take a load on her face for her big porn debut…what a cunt… I guess her strategy worked cuz before today…I had no idea who she was…. TO WATCH THE SEX TAPE FOLLOW THIS LINK

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UK Big Broher Tashie Jackson Sex Tape of the Day