Tag Archives: tashie jackson

Introducing Tashie Jackson And Her Two Big Lady Friends

I have no clue who this Tashie Jackson chick is, but after doing some research, it turns out she was on one of those Big Brother shows, has a sex tape and also knows how to dress really well. And that’s pretty much it. Hopefully, with her exposure on Hollywood Tuna, Tashie and I will start a Twitter romance which will eventually lead to a second sex tape. Fingers crossed!

Vienna Girardi in her Bikini of the Day

She’s some bitch who was on The Bachelor…who gives a fuck…her entire career has been based on the Bachelor…and aspiring actress or not…her entire IMDB is Bachelor related…making me realize she’s nothing but a bottom feeder and bikini pics of a bottom feeder just piss me off as I expect more commitment to their quest to be famous…ideally via nudity… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

See original here:
Vienna Girardi in her Bikini of the Day

Anais Pouliot Nipples in a Photoshoot of the Day

Anais is some Montreal model who I used to have on my Facebooke because like her, I am from Montreal too and like most guys…appreciate hustling hot bitches who are local by promising them fame….but unfortunately…this Anus bitch got up and moved to New York and made herself famous in the modeling world…only to delete me from facebook lke I don’t matter…cuz I don’t matter…reminding me that she’ll never fuck me…but if I do some investigative work…I could probably track down her mom and fuck her….becoming her actual drunkenstepfather…who touches her inappropriately every Christmas….but luckily with all low level models trying to make it….comes nudity.

See the original post:
Anais Pouliot Nipples in a Photoshoot of the Day

UK Big Broher Tashie Jackson Sex Tape of the Day

So some no name from UK Big Brother has released a sex tape, which is only natural because the kind of bitch who would be compelled to do Big Brother…or any reality show for that matter…is the kind who is trying to get famous….and what better way to get famous than to release a sex tape…I mean it worked for Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton, didn’t it? What these low level sluts don’t get is that the world is so porn saturated that we don’t care if any bitch fucks on camera…we’re desensitized….especially when the bitch fucking on camera has to rub herself to get wet after sucking a dudes dick…we like a bitch to be wet at all times….at least in our sex tapes…cuz I’m the king of making bitches dry…within 10 seconds of them realizing what they are doing… They also don’t realize that Kim Kardashian was working with the top publicist in hollywood to get her interviews, coverage, etc when her tape hit…it was a bigger plan… It wasn’t just a bitch fucking a black dude awkward and like we all fuck at home…. Who cares…just watch the sex tape cuz it’s out there….and wait til the part she says “You Filled Me Up”…cuz bitch didn’t even have the decency to take a load on her face for her big porn debut…what a cunt… I guess her strategy worked cuz before today…I had no idea who she was…. TO WATCH THE SEX TAPE FOLLOW THIS LINK

Go here to read the rest:
UK Big Broher Tashie Jackson Sex Tape of the Day