Bella Hadid pick her ass and sniffs it. That’s apparently a genuine know a mental disorder that takes different form depending on how fucked up you are by your rich and trashy parents that sold you out…. Some people bite their fingernails, others like to pull out their hair…well I like to see sniffing ass fingers…. It reminds me of this girl in my high school who used to always have her hands down her pants, she was special needs / half retarded and thus horny…and she’d always sniff her fingeres when she was done and thought..that’s a good lesson we should teach these girls…but apparently they already kno… Maybe she wants to see just how shitty she is… The post Bella Hadid Picks her Asshole then Sniffs It of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
I like to call Lea Michele a transgender because transgenders are fucking weird and I hate having conversations with people defending them – as it’s clearly a mental disorder – and dressing like a chick, pretending to be a chick, using it to your advantage like the Williams sisters – or Lea Michele…totally fine…but the second you go too far with hormones, cutting off genitals and all that other shit…you’re in a whole other realm of weird and broken…not that I care if a motherfucker turns his dick into a vagina, but I’m not going to celebrate it…. The only good thing about the mainstreaming of sex vs gender / tranny vs transgender is co-ed bathrooms I can follow girls into – listen to them shit and jerk off like a normal person… I dont’ think Lea Michele is transgender, she was just jew faced and I guess got some fillers and work done and looks human now…not to say jewish people aren’t human…I mean I could have called her anything with a big nose faced – but we live in a world of hate – let’s target one specific group…. I do think that her underboob is pretty good times – in a world that is empty and that doesn’t have real issues that we should focus on – we should stare at them…it’s what RUSSIA wants you reality show filled idiots to do… I’ve heard that Lea Michele has no friends…and if she wears her bathing suit – I am willing to change that…she deserves to have love songs sung to her….instead of always being the one singing love songs to her dead fiance….. Enough of this brilliant rendition of a blog post…no one cares about. A video posted by Lea Michele (@leamichele) on Dec 7, 2016 at 8:06am PST The post Lea Michele Underboob To Prove She’s a Woman of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
So Andreja Pejic was a male model named Andrej Pejic….who I guess got booked for being androgynous….before realizing that this trans thing is pretty popular and fashion and the mainstream fucking love it, so that he could jump on the trans thing…and become Andreja Pejic like he was Bruce Jenner, but more subtle in his rebranding…and I guess it’s not all that shocking, male modeling is a pretty gay activity, the fashion industry is a pretty gay industry, the models getting booked, are likely doing the casting couch hustle Disney is doing with their teens, same thing but different fetish.. So taking this route is fine, especially since Andreja Pejic is committed to the cause and had the “reassignment” surgery….so that she can really get straight men, which I guess means got the chop…so that it’s not gay for you to jerk off to these pics of her in DAZED magazines, she’s got a vagina, that was once a penis, just last year….but really all penises started out as vaginas, and all vaginas are therefore penises…even if it happened in the womb… She looks good to me, I guess I don’t need a uterus to appreciate beauty…I mean I’ve fucked so many hysterectomy from HPV bitches in my day who were more many than this once man…. Don’t get me wrong, I find trans weird, I don’t get it and think it’s a fucking with natured, possibly a mental disorder thing, but with science…you can reassign your gender so whatever, a lot of these dudes are just better at being girls than girls cuz they want it bad… Not to mention, trans is the most popular porn category….straight dudes love trans…and they rationalize it as 4 tits one dick…but it’s still a fucking trans…and that’s more gay than jerking off to this once man…becaus it’s no dick…just scars from where the dick was….or some shit…. Well…this has been an interesting journey… The post Andreja Pejic is the Trans Model of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
I guess Britney Spears is proving that Spandex is some space age fabric technology designed to do miracles, like every fat chick in Yoga pants who has their booty that is normally fat, sloppy and disgusting, turn all round and awesome…and from reason, I am not offended by this, even if Britney died to me before the K-Fed years and babies happened….Maybe I like big round asses in spandex…or maybe I like broken down, mental disorder moms who can generate millions in revenue when they are well past their prime…who knows. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE
I don’t know how I feel about Amanda Seyfried but I am pretty sure she freaks me out a little. She’s inconsistent in her career, which was something I liked cuz it involved her getting naked in some lesbian movie while doing shitty teen movies at the same time, but whenever I see pictures of her or hear her in interviews, I get weirded out. She’s sloppy and looks like she doesn’t wash her pussy and is always with fucking dogs…It’s like they are the only creatures that she can interract with like the weird lady I run into everyday when walking my stupid dog…and I think she gets a little too involved and takes that shit to the next level by smearing peanut butter…if you know what I mean…You see I have seen and met dog people…but she’s on a whole other level of dog people…you know the kind who let their dogs do things no one ever finds out about because dogs can’t speak people…it’s probably some kind of mental disorder like autism and I wouldn’t mind getting to the bottom of…starting at her pussy…with my tongue…. Here are a couple of pictures of her from the other day without her dogs…but it is safe to assume that she’s talking to her dog on her cellular and he’s not giving her the barks she was hoping for…. Pics via Fame