Tag Archives: more-detailed

South Park Casualty Count: The Attack of the Food Network Stars

Last night, Trey Parker and Matt Stone skillfully skewered the Food Network in a new South Park episode so outrageous that at one point Randy Marsh masturbated to an episode of Guy Fieri’s Big Bite . It happened. Ahead, a more detailed recap of Randy’s adventure into the seedy underbelly of food porn, and the body count from last night’s installment, “Crème Fraiche.”

Go here to see the original:
South Park Casualty Count: The Attack of the Food Network Stars

Christian Survey: Do space Aliens exsist? Is it a sin to be on welfare? Obama?

While they may be split on questions like – is Global warming real? — is it o.k. for Christians to get Tattoos? They agree “being overwieght is Not Technically a sin” Drinking Beer is acceptable, Hard liqueur is not Some of the summerys are prefaced “even christians lie” — “even christians get depressed” — “christians continue to steal” Others — “can women teach men in church?” — “Filling bankruptcy is not a sin” — “Will Jesus return within the next 4 years?” – click on summery for more detailed answer Notice how each Question about Obama is followed with a Question about a Demon. Spoiler Alert !! Romance novels are considered pornography. – Man & Dinosaurs roamed together http://christiannews.christianet.com/ added by: Stoneyroad

Your Votes Can Help Current Win Three Webby Awards!

Current has a chance to win Webby Awards in three different categories this year, including Technology, How-To & DIY, and the best television web site. Heading over to http://www.youtube.com/webby will help find all of the categories, but we've also got more detailed information for you. To find out how to vote for Viral Video Film School, check this out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyjNo1Rf60A To help infoMania's Tech Report beat the competition, look at this: http://current.com/12krg4c To vote Current.com and make the underdog the best TV website on the internet, head to http://webby.aol.com/media_types/web and vote for us under the Media > Television section. Register! Vote! Help us share the victory! We can't do it without you. added by: ctv

Jay Explains Reconnecting With Dave: "He Found Me on Facebook"

While there’s a more detailed explanation as to how Jay Leno ended up spending 30 whole minutes with David Letterman last week, Jay is peddling this romanticized version. “As you…

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Jay Explains Reconnecting With Dave: "He Found Me on Facebook"

The Go Programming Language Promo

A short promotional video about the Go Programming Language presented by Russ Cox. For a more detailed video about Go, please see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKnDgT73v8s For more on Go including FAQs, source code, libraries, and tutorials, please see the Go home page: http://golang.org

See the article here:
The Go Programming Language Promo

It’s Official: David & Courteney Will Scream Again!

It’s official! David Arquette and Courteney Cox have signed on to reunite with the Ghostface killer. “We are going to be doing Scream 4,” Arquette just told me from New York…

See the rest here:
It’s Official: David & Courteney Will Scream Again!

BFF Nixes Nick Lachey & Jessica Simpson Reunion

Just because exes Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson are both suddenly single doesn’t mean they should give it another go, according to Nick’s BFF, Matt Leinart. “I didn’t…

Follow this link:
BFF Nixes Nick Lachey & Jessica Simpson Reunion

Kathy Griffin Will Host the Schmemmys!

The haters can suck it. Well, them and, if history is any indication, Ryan Seacrest. None other than Kathy Griffin herself has been lined up to host the 2009 Primetime Creative Arts Emmy…

See more here:
Kathy Griffin Will Host the Schmemmys!

M.J. Slumber-Partied With His Kids; Kept Papa Joe Out

Michael Jackson’s life has always been off the wall.

Read the rest here:
M.J. Slumber-Partied With His Kids; Kept Papa Joe Out