I haven’t watched Big Brother pretty much ever. The whole concept gives me horrible anxiety, thinking about being held hostage in a house with the most horrible, yet dramatically interesting for the TV viewer people, only to be edited into storylines that make you look horrible…..and it is just not something I can support…especially since it is censored for primetime…if there was sleaze, toilet cams, fucking and masturbating…I’d be more inclined to think they were onto something…but every once in a while a girl like this Sara McLean comes along and jacks her bikini up her cunt on the show, and I have no choice but to appreciate the hard work everyone puts into this garbage show…. I know nothing about Sara McLean, but assume this post is a preview to her sex tape that she will be dropping as soon as Big Brother is over. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK
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Sara McLean from Big Brother 2012 Giving Herself Cameltoe in a Bikini of the Day