Tag Archives: more-rewarding

Gigi Hadid Butt Shot of the Day

Gigi Hadid has no ass…but she is the most important model of our generation, or of her generation, or of modern times, because her dad bought it for her… None of this really matters, I’m in my 40s and she’s not part of my generation, and looking back on my generation, or really my entire existence, every year has an it girl and most fade into obscurity after their year is up…I mean sure they are still around, and have rich husbands and money from her trust fund…where they can laugh about her modeling scam at their dinner parties while summering in yachts… So I guess this does matter to Gigi, it’s all she ever wanted, instead of getting an education and making a difference in the world, she just felt she should show off her non existent ass instead…it’s more rewarding…and a better use of her dad’s hustle… Weird. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Gigi Hadid Butt Shot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Gigi Hadid Butt Shot of the Day

Anais Zanotti Hits The Beach!

Here’s one of my favorite professional sunbathers Anais Zanotti hard at work looking smoking hot at the beach while the rest of us suckers are stuck behind a desk somewhere. Clearly I went into the wrong business. I mean, sure, blogging and not having to wear pants is great and all, but it’s still my dream job to become Anais’ personal suntan lotion applier someday. Not only would it be more rewarding work, but I’m pretty sure there’s also way more job security. Photos: Fameflynet Continue reading

Hilary Duff Is Into The Heavy Metal

I’m sure Iron Maiden is happy to know that Hilary Duff is a fan of their t-shirts because I’m pretty sure she doesn’t know who they are or one song they’ve released. I bet my website on it. That is a challenge and one I’d probably lose. Damn Google search! Anyway, I love this MILF and she can wear whatever she wants. I just prefer she’d wear me. Bloggers are pretty hot accessories you know.

Catalina Otalvaro Will Blow Your Mind

While the rest of those suckers are out there spending their Memorial Day with their families (ugh) or enjoying the great outdoors (who needs it?), congratulations for choosing to do something much more rewarding with your day off: drooling over pictures of a super-hot lingerie model on the Internet. So enjoy these shots of Colombian hottie Catalina Otalvaro . You’ve earned it. » view all 16 photos

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Catalina Otalvaro Will Blow Your Mind

Catalina Otalvaro Will Blow Your Mind

While the rest of those suckers are out there spending their Memorial Day with their families (ugh) or enjoying the great outdoors (who needs it?), congratulations for choosing to do something much more rewarding with your day off: drooling over pictures of a super-hot lingerie model on the Internet. So enjoy these shots of Colombian hottie Catalina Otalvaro . You’ve earned it. » view all 16 photos

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Catalina Otalvaro Will Blow Your Mind

Zuzanna Stankiewicz Model Tits for Unflop of the Day

Zuzanna Stankiewicz is a model I’ve never heard of….but she’s got a Solid immigrant name so that means she’s the kind of model I like…willing to do whatever it takes to get out of the hell immigrant life she’s living…including, but not limited to showing her non-existent model tit….and probably going as far to show some pussy lip….it’s all in the name of fashion….and whoring out for that industry is more rewarding than whoring out in the sex industry… EIther way, titties or non-existent model titties or not, keep up the good work Zuzanna Stankiewicz….or we’ll send you back to your war torn – cold water one room flat filled with your large family you came from…

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Zuzanna Stankiewicz Model Tits for Unflop of the Day

Nieve Jennings in Some Wedding Lingerie of the Day

I don’t know about you but the idea of “Wedding” themed lingerie is pretty much counter intuitive, and I don’t even know what counter intuitive means, I just know that there is nothing hot about getting married, and that no dude fetishizes about about his wedding night and that this little outfit is definitely designed for women to masturbate in, since we only get married when we’ve given up on life and figure we can’t do any better than the bitch we are with and are willing to accept that this is fuckin’ it. Our wedding night is never the best sex of our lives, if anything our wives are too tired to really put out proper, foreshadowing what is to come. Not to mention the best sex of our life happend on vacation with this hot chick who happened to be on the resort and who was recently single and ready to spite her ex for cheating on her by giving a radom guy the best sex of his life for an entire week and little fucking compares to that…. Her name is Nieve Jennings, I don’t know anything about her, but I know her wedding fetish outfit is really fucking depressing Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Nieve Jennings in Some Wedding Lingerie of the Day

New Black Eyed Peas Video of the Day

Here’s some new Black Eyed Peas video where Fergie plays a robot in a metal pantsless outfit and I am not posting it because I like the Black Eyed Peas or think they are cool, or think that they produce quality. I met them over a decade ago before Fergie and they were normal dudes just getting wasted at a local bar after being an opening act to some obscure hip hop act I had free tickets to see, before they sold their soul to the devil and I have had very little respect for sell outs but realize having money is more rewarding than having integrity, but I do like Fergie and I have held her hand before her security tried to rip my arm off last year, and haven’t washed it since, but that has nothing to do with Fergie, but more to do with my bad hygiene.

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New Black Eyed Peas Video of the Day