Tag Archives: something-much

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro: My Baby with Jen Harley May Not Even Be Mine!

The relationship between Ronnie Ortiz-Mago and Jen Harley is kind of shockingly dysfunctional, right? Like it's hard to believe they've managed to be together for so long without one of them just leaving or, you know, something much darker happening. It just seems like there's a never-ending avalanche of badness happening with them, and this week, it's no different. Except this time, the badness could perhaps result in Ron disowning his own daughter. 1. Where to Start? Ron’s whole entire life is a mess, and it has been for a long time now — it’s definitely not just Jen’s influece, that’s for sure. 2. RON STAHP He’s especially proven himself to be a disaster in relationships. Aside from Jen, we’ve only ever seen him with Sam on Jersey Shore, and not a single person who witnessed any footage of them together would call what they had healthy. 3. Ruh Roh But Ron and Jen … it’s a lot. It’s a whole, whole lot, and literally none of it is good. 4. What Romance! These two crazy kids weren’t together all that long before she got pregnant, and in April of this year, she gave birth to their daughter, Ariana. 5. Weird For a good long while, believe it or not, there wasn’t any drama at all between them — or at least, none that made it onto social media. 6. And There It Goes But in April, just a few weeks after Jen gave birth, Ron hopped on Instagram to tell his followers that one “can’t turn a natural born HOE, into a HOUSEWIFE,” and it all went downhill from there. View Slideshow

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Ronnie Ortiz-Magro: My Baby with Jen Harley May Not Even Be Mine!

Hilary Duff Is Into The Heavy Metal

I’m sure Iron Maiden is happy to know that Hilary Duff is a fan of their t-shirts because I’m pretty sure she doesn’t know who they are or one song they’ve released. I bet my website on it. That is a challenge and one I’d probably lose. Damn Google search! Anyway, I love this MILF and she can wear whatever she wants. I just prefer she’d wear me. Bloggers are pretty hot accessories you know.

Catalina Otalvaro Will Blow Your Mind

While the rest of those suckers are out there spending their Memorial Day with their families (ugh) or enjoying the great outdoors (who needs it?), congratulations for choosing to do something much more rewarding with your day off: drooling over pictures of a super-hot lingerie model on the Internet. So enjoy these shots of Colombian hottie Catalina Otalvaro . You’ve earned it. » view all 16 photos

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Catalina Otalvaro Will Blow Your Mind

Audrina Patridge’s Sexy Belly Show

I know a lot of people like to make fun of Audrina Patridge , myself included, but I still love her. Especially when she goes out showing off her sexy belly like this. I’m not sure what lame event Audrina’s headed to here, but I’d like to invite her to something much cooler: the official after-party in my bedroom. Quick, somebody get me a red carpet and a few paparazzi, and I’ll tell my mom to get lost for a couple hours. Photos: PacificCoastNews

Continued here:
Audrina Patridge’s Sexy Belly Show

Jessica Simpson Beach Photos

It looks like the Simpson sisters took a family beach trip, because after the surprisingly hot pictures of Ashlee, here’s Jessica Simpson mostly covered up and not attempting any difficult maneuvers like her sister. Which is probably a good thing, considering it’s just been confirmed that she’s pregnant again. We wouldn’t want Jessica straining herself. She’ll need to save that energy for something much more important: her post-pregnancy hotness comeback. Rest up, Jessica. Related Articles: Jessica Simpson’s Jeans Let Me Down Jessica Simpson’s Boobs Are Good Band-Aids Jessica Simpson Can’t Hide Her Chubcakes Jessica Simpson’s Tasty White Meat Photos: Fameflynet

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Jessica Simpson Beach Photos


Chat Roulette reacts to a closeup of an eye, which looks a lot like something much more inappropriate when it's shut. Watch for the reaction at 1:35, it makes the whole video. The Best Links: Via Reddit Watch