Tag Archives: mormon-bishop

Shady: In His Mormon Bishop Days Mitt Romney Tried To Bully A Woman With A Life Threatening Pregnancy To Carry To Term

Mitt don’t love dem hoes! No but seriously, he really doesn’t give a fawk about a woman’s life or her rights, at least not if you believe two women who had close contact with him during their pregnancies. According to National Enquirer reports : GOP presidential can­didate MITT ROMNEY is hiding TWO shocking pregnancy scan­dals from the public. A Massachusetts woman has charged that the former governor pres­sured her to ignore her doctors’ advice to terminate her pregnancy after she suffered a life-threatening complication – and another woman claims Romney tried to bully her into giving her son up for adoption by threatening her with excommunication from the Mormon Church. Incredibly, when he was running for public office in the ’90s, Romney presented himself as a pro-choice candidate. These days, he says he believes abortion should only be legal in cases of rape, incest or when the mother’s life is in jeopardy. BUT as a bishop in the Mormon Church in the 1980s, Romney’s views were far more rigid and coldhearted, charges Carrel Hilton Sheldon, a woman who was a member of his “ward” (congregation). In 1983, Carrel, already a mother of four, was in her eighth week of pregnancy when she de­veloped a potentially lethal blood clot. She was given an overdose of the blood thin­ner Heparin, which caused severe internal bleeding and extensive damage to her kidneys. On the verge of needing a transplant, doctors recommended she terminate the pregnancy to save her life. In an exclusive ENQUIRER inter­view, Carrel’s husband, 68-year-old Garret Sheldon, says that as his wife lay in her hospital bed with her life “in peril,” Romney visited repeatedly to badger her into carrying the child to term. Romney’s behavior prompted his church superior, Harvard-trained physician Dr. Gordon Williams, to intercede. “Even HE believed my wife should terminate her pregnancy!” recalled Garret. “He said to Mitt, ‘Hey, this is threatening her life – back down!’” Carrel later wrote an article about the devastating experience, recalling that Romney – whom she did not originally identify by name – heart­lessly told her: “As your bishop, my concern is with the child.” Author Ron Scott also wrote about the incident in his book “Mitt Romney: An Inside Look at the Man and His Politics.” Scott says that after Romney was unable to persuade Carrel to continue her pregnancy, he went to her parents’ house to make his case. “I have never been so up­set about anything in my life,” Phil Hilton, Carrel’s father, told Scott, adding that he ordered the young bishop out of his home and was prepared to “throw (Romney) off the porch if he paused for even a sec­ond.” In another case the following year, Peggie Hayes had a run-in with Romney that changed the way she viewed both him and the Mormon Church forever. A former baby sitter for Mitt and Ann Romney’s five sons, the now- 52-year-old woman says the GOP candidate had been a father figure and mentor to her during her teen years. “The relationship we had de­veloped made me feel that I could always rely on him during times of adversity,” Peggie told The ENQUIRER in an exclusive in­terview. “I grew to trust that Mitt would always be there to support me through the toughest of times.” But that all changed in 1984, when Peggie says the young bishop com­pletely shattered what she’d always believed was an “unbreakable bond” between them. At the age of 24, Peggie – who was divorced and raising a 3-year-old daughter alone – learned she was pregnant again. Unwed and scared, she leaned on Mitt and Ann for mor­al support. But shortly after the birth of her son, Dane, Romney visited Peggie at her home and told her that, because she was raising the new­born without the help of his biological father, the church expected her to give up the baby “so that he could be adopted by a Mormon couple in ‘good stand­ing.’ ” “And if I chose not to give my son up for adoption,” Peggie continued, “Mitt essentially threatened me by saying I would be excommunicated by the church.” Peggie refused to give up her son, who’s now an electrician living in Salt Lake City. And although she wasn’t excommunicated, she never saw or spoke to Romney again. “His staunch conservative actions proved to me that his loyalty to the Mormon Church will always take precedence over innocent people’s lives,” she declared. This is just disgusting. For those women who support Mitt Romney, we gotta ask WHY???

See the article here:
Shady: In His Mormon Bishop Days Mitt Romney Tried To Bully A Woman With A Life Threatening Pregnancy To Carry To Term

Mormon Bishop shot Sanner

Police say Clay Sannar was shot at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Visalia, southeast of Fresno. A lay bishop at a Mormon church in Central California was shot dead in his office during a break between scheduled Sunday services, authorities said. The suspected gunman in the fatal shooting of a Mormon church official in Central California was mentally ill and believed the church had wronged him when he was a member in the 1980s, family members said Monday. Kenneth James Ward

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Mormon Bishop shot Sanner