Tag Archives: most-popular

Hip-Hop Fan Abbie Cornish Hoping to Record Album

Abbie Cornish didn’t get to sing in the theatrical cut of Zack Snyder’s Sucker Punch , but may soon be sharing her musical talents with the world. The Australian actress, who covers the May issue of Esquire UK, told the British mag that she’d like to record an album when her schedule opens up. “I would love to play here in Los Angeles… and record an album,” she said. But Cornish won’t be just any actress releasing a vanity album; the self-admitted hip-hop fan, who has been DJing since her teen years, has been performing with a crew for years. Ladies and gentlemen, meet the lady rapper known as Dusk!

Hip-Hop Fan Abbie Cornish Hoping to Record Album

Kevin Smith Is Auctioning Off His Bluntman Costume and Other Memorabilia That Will Annoy Your Girlfriend

Kevin Smith’s attempt at do-it-yourself distribution method may be driving the filmmaker crazy but he is still determined for his fans to see his indie horror film Red State . Just how determined? The writer/director/producer is auctioning off over 300 pieces of movie memorabilia from his most popular films on April 10 to cover distribution costs. Ahead, some of Movieline’s favorite items from the lot.

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Kevin Smith Is Auctioning Off His Bluntman Costume and Other Memorabilia That Will Annoy Your Girlfriend

THG Caption Contest Winner: December 10

In this weekend’s THG Caption Contest , we asked readers to come up with the best one for this photo of Kate Gosselin and Sarah Palin camping . There was plenty of material to be found, no matter where you stand politically or how you feel about either. Our winner is … Jennifer . Congrats! Honorable mentions go out to shannon , bert and Diane Couch . Thanks to all for playing and best of luck in the next THG Caption Contest … If a bear does come, we will trip your mom .

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THG Caption Contest Winner: December 10

Fashion Face-Off: Lea Michele vs. Jeessica Lowndes

One is an established singer. The other portrays an aspiring one on TV. But both Glee star Lea Michele and 90210 actress Jessica Lowndes walked the red carpet at this weekend’s Hollywood Style Awards. With an event based around fashion, it was inevitable we’d face these actresses off against each other in one of THG’s most popular features. The onus, therefore, falls on you, readers. Compare Lea with Jessica below and then cast your vote:

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Fashion Face-Off: Lea Michele vs. Jeessica Lowndes

Family Planning As Important For Fighting Climate Change As Clean Technology: Worldwatch

photo: Paul Keller / Creative Commons Population growth is one of the touchiest issues out there. It’s really easy for people to leap to paranoia about government control of who can and cannot have children and no amount of qualification about how that’s not being advocated seems to stop it. Nevertheless population growth and its flip side, resource consumption is a critica… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Family Planning As Important For Fighting Climate Change As Clean Technology: Worldwatch

TreeHugger’s 30 Most Popular Posts of November

Photo: Amazing Scrap Sculptures Of Wildlife By Edouard Martinet These beautiful robot fish sculptures by French artist Edouard Martinet were just one of our 30 most popular posts of November. The other 29 are after the jump. We know you work hard and don’t have time to see every single post we publish, so now you can kick back and see some of the best of what you might of missed. Enjoy! … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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TreeHugger’s 30 Most Popular Posts of November

Paris Hilton — Working on Hollywood Blvd.

Filed under: Paris Hilton , Celebrity Justice Paris Hilton continued paying off her debt to society by cleaning graffiti on the streets of Hollywood — and wouldn’t you know it … she was the most popular person there. As part of her community service related to that whole “arrested with cocaine… Read more

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Paris Hilton — Working on Hollywood Blvd.

LeBron James — The Way to a Man’s Heart …

Filed under: LeBron James , TMZ Sports If LeBron James makes his free agency decision based on food … he’ll be a Los Angeles Clipper before you know it. King James hit up BOA, one of LA’s most popular steakhouses last night — where everyone wanted to know where he’ll play next season. If… Read more

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LeBron James — The Way to a Man’s Heart …

Sergio Cilli stages a "Music Intervention" on infoMania

You can watch the top five crappy videos of any genre so many times before you want to do something drastic. It’s time to get musicians some help. In this week’s infoMania, we’re looking at the trends sweeping the most popular artists to figure out how to save them before it’s too late, and test driving another way to make fun of as many people as possible. They asked for it. Check out the premiere of infoMania’s “Music Intervention” with Sergio Cilli, this Thursday, May 20th, at 10pm. added by: Sergio_Cilli

How Well Does Kiefer Sutherland Clean Up After A Strip Club Hangover?

Kiefer Sutherland was sitting outside of a London strip club last Friday morning at 4 A.M. : drunk, sore from being manhandled by bouncers, and exhausted from robot-dancing the night away . In a scenario straight out of a Bizarro World 24 , the actor had only a few hours to sober up before promoting his Sundance bomb Twelve on one of Britain’s most popular talk shows. How did the real-life Jack Bauer fare?

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How Well Does Kiefer Sutherland Clean Up After A Strip Club Hangover?