Abbie Cornish didn’t get to sing in the theatrical cut of Zack Snyder’s Sucker Punch , but may soon be sharing her musical talents with the world. The Australian actress, who covers the May issue of Esquire UK, told the British mag that she’d like to record an album when her schedule opens up. “I would love to play here in Los Angeles… and record an album,” she said. But Cornish won’t be just any actress releasing a vanity album; the self-admitted hip-hop fan, who has been DJing since her teen years, has been performing with a crew for years. Ladies and gentlemen, meet the lady rapper known as Dusk!
Family Planning As Important For Fighting Climate Change As Clean Technology: Worldwatch
photo: Paul Keller / Creative Commons Population growth is one of the touchiest issues out there. It’s really easy for people to leap to paranoia about government control of who can and cannot have children and no amount of qualification about how that’s not being advocated seems to stop it. Nevertheless population growth and its flip side, resource consumption is a critica… Read the full story on TreeHugger
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Family Planning As Important For Fighting Climate Change As Clean Technology: Worldwatch
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